Effects of climate change on Pakistan

(Muhammad Hassan Soomro , Karachi)

Effects of Climate Change on Pakistan:
Climate change is having various significant impacts in recent years which is highly effecting Pakistan and other Asian countries such as India, Bangladesh. Climate change just not threatening the lives of countrymen but it threatens the life and safety of billions of people in all over the world. The most obvious example is through extreme weather-related events, such as: storms, floods and wildfires. But there are many other less visible ways that climate change threatens lives. According to the report of World Health Organization, which predicts that climate change will be causing 250,000 deaths per year between 2030 and 2050. As we have already seen in last two years that Climate Change has affected millions of lives. Pakistan is also among those countries who are highly affected from climate change in recent years.
Pakistan, geologically, located in the region where climate change keeps its intensive effects. Since, 2010 Pakistan has faced multiple flood disaster, in which more than 20 million individuals lost their homes and thousands have been injured and lost their lives. Climate change puts the lives of billons of Pakistanis in danger, and their houses, agriculture, economic and security at risk. Changes in temperature and precipitation patterns have disrupted agricultural cycles and reduce crop yields. Erratic monsoon patterns have been totally changed which increased frequency of extreme weather events like floods, and droughts can damage crops and disrupted food production. Pakistan is lower middle-income country which mostly depend on its agriculture. Faster glacier is melting, rapid increase in temperature is occurred that shifts mode of the seasons, and irregular rainfall patterns are all affecting the flow of the river Indus, which has a growing impact on agriculture, food production, and lives. These climate change effects have highly affected its agriculture, which is also alarming situation for the country.
On the other hand, rising temperatures also led more frequent and intense heatwaves in all over the country. High temperatures have posed health risks, leading to heat-related illnesses and even fatalities, especially in densely populated urban areas. Due to changing temperature, the diseases such as dengue fever and malaria have been increased. Thousands of dengue cases were reported last year and thousands of people had died because of dengue.
To conclude, the disruption of agricultural activities, damage to infrastructure, and increased healthcare costs can place a substantial economic burden on the country. Pakistan already faces the economy crisis since 2020 and these changes also effected the daily life of Pakistanis. The Pakistani government and institutions must take measurements to overcome this disaster and save the life of billions of people.
Muhammad Hassan Soomro
About the Author: Muhammad Hassan Soomro Read More Articles by Muhammad Hassan Soomro : 11 Articles with 6826 views Currently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.