Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah: A great visionary Leader

(Dr.Syed Mehboob, Karachi)

Dedicated, committed, honest, sincere, farsighted and visionary leaders can change the history, uplift their nation from abysmal position to a world’s dignified, respected one. They are far sighted and have deep understanding of the situation and can guess the changes much before the time. Muhammad Ali Jinnah whom nation rightly called and remember as “Quaid e Azam” was among those leaders. He led Muslims of sub-continent when they were going to lose their identity, both British and Hindu leaders were not ready to accept their rights if there were few among Hindus including Gandhi they were in minority and extremists were getting domination. Quaid e Azam was not a narrow-minded religious fanatic who was very tolerant, patient, far-sighted and was called “Hindu Muslim Unity Ambassador”.

They why he demanded a separate homeland for Muslims of the subcontinent? The answer lies in the death of Gandhi itself,who was killed by a Hindu Nationalist from Maharashtra Mr. Nathuram Godse. Godse had two unsuccessful attempts to assassinate Gandhi in 1944 before he was successful on 30th January,1948. Godse was a member of the political extremist and terrorist party” Swayamsevak Sangh” popularly know as “RSS” and right-wing terrorist party “Hindu Mahasabah”. RSS is a paramilitary volunteer organization and a popularizer of the work of his mentor “Vinayak Damodor Savarkar, who had created the ideology of Hindutva. How poisonous, prejudiced and narrow minded these people were can be imagined by the fact that they distributed sweets and celebrated after the murder of Gandhi considering its as their big success. Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah felt this terrorism and extremism much before so rightly he demanded a separate homeland for Muslims.

After so many sacrifices and blood shed when Pakistan became a reality on 14th August,1947 Quaid e Azam was so bright minded leader that he included Jogendra Nath Mandal who was the first law minister of Pakistan and was one of the founding fathers of Pakistan, in his cabinet. It is worth mentioning that Mandal was follower of Dr, Babasaheb Ambedkar. Mandal played a significant role in the farming of Constitution of India as well as Ambedkar consulted and sought his advice through letters on matters pertaining to the framing of the constitution.

Quaid e Azam was very hardworking, strict discipline, a man of principles, honest, a great lawyer who dedicated his whole life for the cause of Pakistan and its people, he worked day night, having no rest even when he was advised by his doctor after he was diagnosed tuberculosis at last stage. He refused to take race and said he doesn’t want to disappoint his people and will continue his struggle. Under his dynamic and honest leadership, we got Pakistan but unfortunately, we are not on the path which was selected for us by him. We indulged in sectarian, linguistic, political narrow-minded circle and took our country far away from democracy, basic human rights, denied access to quality education for everyone, following colonial education system which created differences and gulf among the various segments of Pakistani society. Justice, tolerance, economic equality, non- interest-based banking and economy, equal rights for women and minorities, enforcement of sharia law based on justice and equality, guaranteeing safety of life, honour and property for everyone, a society free of oppression, discrimination and all kinds of bias was the dream of Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah which is still a dream and there is a dire need that we should move towards this direction. We have to get rid from feudalism, and those SOEs which are burden on national exchequer, in industry we have to get rid of “thekhedari” system and give basic and fundamental rights to our labour, those who are working in private organization and some of them do not bother to give their employees basic rights including appointment letter, gratuity, medical, transportation, old age benefits. Major political parties are running on the base of money, feudalism, and one family dominated policies which need to be changed and merit should be introduced at every stage.

Quaid e Azam’s greatness was acknowledged by everyone even his opponents. Jawaharlal Nehru said, Jinnah was one of the most extraordinary men in history. Stanley Wolpert said,” Few individuals significantly alter the course of history. Fewer still modify the map of the world. Hardly anyone can be credited with creating a nation-state. Muhammad Ali Jinnah did all three. Vijay Luxmi Pandat said, “ If Muslim League had hundred Gandhis and two hundred Abu ul Kalam Azad and Congress had only one Jinnah than India would have never divided.
Although Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah is no more with us but he will always be in our hearts, minds and in our history.
Dr.Syed Mehboob
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