(Qasim Abbas, Faisalabad)

The act of conserving our nature is not just essential for us but also for our future generation. Climate change is the major consequence of human actions. Human beings are the guardians of natural resources for the better future of our upcoming generations.
The Challenges:
Our planet Earth is facing multiple challenges that can threaten our existence
Climate change (2) Deforestation (3) Pollution (4) Exploitation of resources
All these challenges are interconnected with each other
1)Eco-friendly technology:
Burning of fossil fuels are the largest donor to global climate change. We can overcome this problem by using solar energy, windmills, electric vehicles.
2)Alternate of Plastic:
One of the magnificent alternatives of plastic is Bamboo which can easily grow in almost every continent except Antarctica and some regions of Europe. Bamboo can replace bottles, toothbrushes, cups, straws, launch boxes and many more. Degradation time of plastic is 20-500 years while bamboo takes just 4-8 years for degradation.
3)17 Sustainable Development Goals:
These goals are set by 193 members of UN General Assembly in 2015. These 17 SDGs are a “universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and improve the lives and prospects of everyone, everywhere”. These goals are intended to be achieved globally by 2030.
Removal environmental pollutants by living organisms is termed as bioremediation. It plays a vital role because environmental pollution has reached alarming level in some countries.

“Our future is created from choices we make every minute”. By understanding these challenges and implementing our magnificent strategies we can ensure healthy living and nature’s prosperity.
Qasim Abbas
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