Thirst Of Education
(Talib Hussain, Hyderabad)
Education is a basic need of
each person, either male or female, it leads you towards consciousness, social
values, imparts you about mental, moral and aesthetic development.
In Pakistan, this is not so, recently in sarhad (N.W.F.P) number of schools have
been burnt by talibans (extremists), specially girls schools,95% girls' schools
have been burnt, innocent girls are unable to have education. They have showed
thirst to have education but they are unable, because of lack of buildings. It
is basic duty of government to educate masses so that they understand at least
their own rights, values.
BACON,an essayist,says,"study, not to contradict and confute but to weigh and
consider. In Urdu, i remember one quotation:-
(yateem woh nahin jis ke pas maan baap nahi, yateem woh hai jis ke pas ilm nhe).
Translation:-Orphan is not one who has no parents, orphan is he, who has not