Educating the privileged

(Shahzaib Shaikh, Hyderabad)

Privilege brings responsibility, but we are afraid of taking critical challenges and responsibility that’s why we are underprivileged. But as I concerned on education so, it’s crucial responsibility of superintendent folks,who hold the power and rule under the umbrella of municipality, but in today’s era, education is up the creek and building blocks of inaugurating factors that have eliminated and fell into we thoroughly concerned on knowledge that was put over the shoulder of youth, although that was relatable with traditional ideas and followed since couple of decades inauthentically. so, the results come out after looking at the peculiarity knowledge that have doomed and tarnished and it has crunched the provoking ideas of extreme mindset and which the extrapolated reaction could come out in spurned shape.

There is famous saying by Benjamin Franklin: “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest”

The interest of learning is usually evoked by passion and lovely mindset but still we are unable to read and write by heart and minds. The fruitful nature of education is to evoke the empathetic feeling for someone in ones life. As Aristotle says that educating the mind without educating heart is not an education. Regardless of saying that, we usually don’t work on self obsession and unable to produce enlightenment inwardly. But as I concerned on school system, where the child sees the future and build the foundation to stand up with taller and became defender but unfortunately they couldn’t produce except conformist, in every system of upgrading thought and traditional follower must bring the reformation in education and build the enthusiastic character and new techniques must be applied thoroughly.According to recent article it’s said that 95% of kids are not getting a good education partly because of decision of privileged minority of yesteryear. 5%, approximately, Three millions children studying in dominant institutions that are capable of taking excellent education. A nation is hings up on characters and capacity of what Martin Luther King Jr calls a “ Creative dedicated minority” A nation is come a crossed the developed destiny when they intentionally bring Reformation in every lethargic system. As my knowledge is concerned, so, the biggest barrier to such an education is threat of power sharing notwithstanding as Article no 19,it is said that every citizen shall have a right to freedom of speech and expression and legitimate voice of downtrodden.the purpose of education is to give freedom and provide the provocative ideas that can help in bringing revolution in race Hence we must promote the equal opportunity and privilege the strength of learning education in every mainstream , alongside, none is educated until all are educated in the end, I would come to an end by saying that “ Education should aim not for a better life, but for making a better world.

Shahzaib Shaikh
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