Is social media an essential or detrimental discovery?. In this modernized world, social media has become every person's attraction including teenagers. It has a lot of deleterious effects on teens mental health due to which they are unable to focus on their education, career , life and goals.
Isolation: Teenagers are too much attracted and addicted to social media due to which they have isolated themselves in their homes and are avoiding outdoor activities, physical meetups, and outings. Teens have considered social media as their house and their social friends as their family. This isolation has negative impacts on their mental health because our brain and every organ needs relaxation and according to scientists, attraction towards nature and spending time with nature is the best therapy for your brain and other body organs.
Fantasy World: Teenagers are living in a fantasy world due to the social media because it contains fantasy content and addiction to social media leads to adaptation of fantasy life and attributes. Fantasy world is way too different from real world and teens living in fantasy world are unable to face the consequences and challenges of real world.
Impact of Blue light: The harmful rays coming from the blue light of our gadgets are harmful for our brain as they penetrate through it affecting our memory and thinking ability. The intensity of rays increases at night and teenagers are involved in their gadgets 24 hours due to social media. It has become a common practice in our society to sleep the whole day and remain awake at night. Our brain gets relaxed only at night. This blue light not only impacts our brains, it also impacts our eyes due to which we are forced to wear spectacles because there is no other option left.
Emotional Impact: Cyber bullying and harassments have increased nowadays and hackers are using social media apps to bully and harass people by making fake profiles and social circles. Apparently, all seems good but at the end everything ends up with bullying, harassments, frauds, phishing etc. These negative activities have both mental and physical impact on victim. Such activities lead to emotional damage, depression, anxiety etc.
In contrast, some people argue that social media has a lot of advantages including socializing, making new connections, staying connected to families and friends, source of income through online businesses etc. but the negative impacts on an individual's life due to addiction to social media are more detrimental and contains a strong stance.
"Do not get addicted to social media, use it for important purposes only."