Internet Surfing

(Erfa Rizvan, Karachi)

In this modernized world, Internet has connected us with our relatives, friends and other people all over the world. Internet has not only provided opportunities for increasing social circles or expanding businesses, It has provided us with plenty of knowledge, study guides and various materials related to education. Internet surfing means digging into the internet for gaining knowledge, learning new skills, and discovering things. Internet surfing is important for teens.

Nowadays, teens use internet for social media only. However, it could be made beneficial for them if they want to. Internet surfing allows students and teens to develop new skills or polish their skills while sitting at home for free. Due to this, they would be able to develop a lot of skills related to technologies, arts, cooking, driving, swimming etc. The modern market requires skillful freshers not degree holders because if you have skill you can achieve your target without higher education.

Furthermore, Internet surfing obliges you to stay up to date with the world and business affairs. It helps you to gain knowledge about new technologies, experiments and discoveries in Science. Students are provoked by these discoveries to prosper in their lives and careers.

Moreover, internet surfing includes online shopping, medications, health tips etc. Women are more attracted towards online shopping, cooking blogs, recipies and beauty products.

Students use internet for their educational purposes like making projects, gathering information for portfolios and making online templates, profiles on educational websites, surfing websites for lessons, notes and study guides. Internet has provided us with ocean of knowledge and stuff related to every single aspect for our lives.

Likewise, IT experts, web developers, software experts, graphic designers, digital marketers etc. use internet for online business and publishing their portfolios of work. Businessmen use internet for spreading their businesses by online advertisements, making profiles on social media apps.

Most of the people earn while sitting at home by blogging, writing articles, stories, plays, freelancing etc. which is feasible especially for women living in a society like one in Pakistan.

Internet surfing has numerous advantages that we can even write a book on it. It is a deep ocean which is infinitely deep. The above importance of internet surfing shows that internet plays an important role in every individual's life if he/she wants to prosper and make a successful career.

Erfa Rizvan
About the Author: Erfa Rizvan Read More Articles by Erfa Rizvan: 8 Articles with 2087 viewsCurrently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.