Cricket and Sportsman Spirit

(zain saeed siddiqui, karachi)

Cricket is the sport which is played worldwide. It is the most renowned game which is often played everywhere. The craze of cricket among people is increasing day by day. People especially young ones really love to play this game. The children start playing this game very early when they are just in their childhood. It is the most famous game among all the youngsters. Cricket has become a obsession for some people as they are extremely passionate about this game. The cricketers also play a vital role in promoting this game as the people also get influenced by the style of the cricketers and their talent of playing too. This game has unforgettable and prestigious history. Basically cricket is the game which maintains its suspense throughout the match until the game ends. The viewer cant asses or judge the results of the game before its end. It is an unpredictable game which excites the viewer to watch it.

Cricket mainly depends upon the physical and mental health of the player as it is only the player who has to carry out the game. With the passage of time cricket is also revolutionized. The new form of cricket is twenty20 or T20. In this type the original rules are used with a little modification. It is the modern kind of cricket which is amusing the people to their extent. It creates zeal and zest among the people due to its lesser time duration than other cricket types. It lasts only in three to four hours. As cricket is not our national game but the passion of the youth towards cricket makes it internationally hit as it is that game which is frequently played all over the world. Therefore we can say that cricket is the game which is the meant of enjoyment for the people of all age limits.

zain saeed siddiqui
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