The earth spins on its axis at
a precise angle. If that angle is off just a fraction, it would render the earth
either too hot or cold to be inhabitable. The number of connections in our mind,
between each nerve cell, has been compared to the number of stars in the
universe. It is a complex, bio-chemical organ, the most delicate and complex
thing known on the universe. In it lies the thought process that governs our
emotions, our creativity our hopes our memories. The Koran and other Holy
Scriptures testify to the creation of the mind by The Almighty.
At times, a simple adjustment in our lifestyle can do much to keep our mind's
bio-chemical balance working in harmony and to help keep our mind's balanced.
There are many natural activities that effect the chemical makeup of our mind.
There is much that naturally raises the level of certain neurotransmitters in
our brains, our seretonin and dopamine level, which are both known to play a
role in both depression and bi-polar disorder, as well as that of ADHD. There
are some 30 different neurotransmitters in our brains, so the mind is a complex
organ that defies science to unravel all of its mysteries. By following some of
these simple suggestions, it can do much to help our minds to be in balance.
This information is helpful for adults and children:
1. Exercise-Studies have shown that regular exercise-walking, can be more
effective in treating depression than medication, both in the treatment of the
depression, as well as the recurrence rate.
2. Love-Love has been described as the best medicine. Not everyone has the
benefit of having been raised in loving environment. There is a scripture that
says, "there is more happiness in giving than in receiving." By using our lives
purposefully, for the purpose of helping others, then our life has more value.
By giving of ourselves to others, it helps us to be part of the circle of love.
3. Television and movies, video games. Excessive time spent watching television,
or other forms of media can have an effect on our mental health. There is much
in the way of violence in children's programming. Most movies and cartoons have
at least some violence, these days. It was siad, in 1996, that 8 out of 10
Saturday morning children's cartoon characters were violent. The evenving news,
as well, has elements of violence, at times, that can effect the emotional
balance of some persons and some have found that watching the news contributes
to depression.
The rapid fire pace of television and commercials can cause an overload on our
senses, our brains and with it the delicate balance of the chemicals that have a
role in our emotions. "We have seen so much violence in our lives, that we no
longer recognize it as violence," one book on the subject stated.
Many movies are entertaining, but also, stir up emotions to highs and lows, that
for some, can contribute to chemical imbalances.
All of these can be contributing factors for some, in depression, anxieties,
ADHD, OCD and bipolar disorder and for other mental health problems as well.
Some are more senstive emotionally than others and this is true of children as
well. For a person with a sensitive disposition, of if he or she has been
through any sort of trauma in their life, either in the present or past, cutting
back on all of these media-related activities can be of help.
Focusing on positive things can help also. Try reading to keep up on the news,
rather than watching the television news. It is gentler on the mind, and we can
be more selective. Try to avoid dwelling on the violent or sensational, make a
deliberate choice to focus on the positive.
4. Art can be a natural mood stabilizer for some, as well as contribute to
healing of the mind. It can help some to build self-esteem and it strengthens
the mind naturally. One man who said that the news depressed him, decided to do
without his TV and cultivated his natural talent in art. He produced literally
hundreds of works of fine art in a five year period, selling many of them
commercially, something he had been doing previously for recreation. Art can
healing effect and help a person to build self-respect, something vital for good
mental health.
5. Prayer-Praying for help, praying for a sound and healthy mind, praying for
peace in one's mind is a very effective tool in combating mental health
6. Spend time in the outdoors. Try to stay away from canned, prepackaged
entertainment and spend time with nature.
7. Avoid isolating yourself. Being part of a community, an organization that
gives support and meets regularly can do much to help a person get through
crises and to help to keep positive. Being part of a community that does good
for other people, gives one a sense of sharing and fulfillment, which can
contribute to good mental health.
8. Give balanced attention to a healthful diet. A diet high in sugar and fat can
contribute to a weak body and a weak mind. Most breakfast cereals are filled
with sugar, as are sodas. Instead of much fruit juice drink milk and water. Try
to go vegetarian as much as possible and cut out alcohol from your diet. Avoid
smoking. Do your best to quit smoking if you are smoking now, it constricts
blood vessels in the brain and can have a role in one's mental health.
9. For person's with mental health difficulties, doing without alcohol, drugs,
and high caffeine can also be helpful. Alcohol is a depressant and can
contribute to both depression and bipolar disorder. For many who have an
addictive personality, it is better to do without completely, than to try to
"handle it".
10. Avoid pornography. The sexual stimulation of pornography without a real
partner can contribute to an emotional emptiness and to depression or bi-polar
disorder, OCD, as well as other mental health problems. Also, sexual promiscuity
can easily lead to depression or contribute towards other mental health
11. Try to find activities that build self-esteem-learn to play a musical
instrument such as the piano or violin. Stick with it. This is especially
helpful for children. One 13-year old with ADHD said that playing the piano
helped her to develop self-esteem at a time when she had no friends.
12. Sharpen the Saw: There are many ways we can sharpen the saw. Finding our
peace with Allah is of importance. Taking time to read the Holy Scriptures can
help to calm the mind. It helps one to feel at peace and can be a strengthening
aid and anchor if one is going through crises or has mental health disorders.
Give attention to one's spiritual needs on a daily basis. Spending time outdoors
helps with both depression, bipolar disorder and ADHD, as well as really, all
mental health disorders. Wise persons "sharpen the saw".
13. Try to keep an active mind through reading. Reading can be a mentally
strengthening activity, especially if we focus on positive and upbuilding
material. Subscribe to some positive magazines, picture magazines, or subscribe
to these for your children.
14. Have an active role in helping children. If we take time to help children in
a genuine loving way, it helps to develop positive qualities and give our life
meaning and purpose. Finding work in teaching, in a day care center or in
volunteering with needy children is something that can help us to give and to
take our mind off of ourselves and whatever problems we might have. In line with
this, sometimes a change of jobs can help to overcome mental health battles,
something that has more of a direct connection in helping people.
15. Music. Try to listen to mellower music. Much alternative music today can be
depressing or elicit feelings of emptiness. Much rock and roll, heavy metal,
sends our minds to highs and lows, which can effect the chemical balance of our
minds. Developing a taste for light classical music, as well as many other forms
gentler music, can help us to keep a positive flow of emotions uninterrupted in
our minds.
16. Get organized, avoid procrastination, get help in keeping one's home and
possessions clean. Get rid of clutter. If its been there for more than a year,
it probably isn't necessary. Getting on top of one's bills and financial life
also is of help. Sometimes professional services can be of help in this area.