HAZRAT ABDULLAH BIN ABBAS Raziallah ta'aala anuh

(Dr. Mustafa Kalhoro Taagrraai, Karachi)

Hazrat Abdullah Bin Abbas Abbasi
(May Allah be pleased with him)

Three years before the Hijra, Hazrat Abbas may Allah be pleased with him, the uncle of the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) became the father of a gorgeous little superman Abdullah. Shortly he became famous with the name of ‘Ibn Abbas’ (the son of Abbas). The mother of Ibn Abbas was Umm al-Fazl Lubaba, who merited herself with being the second lady to convert to Islam, her close friend was Hazrat Khadijah bint Khuwaylid. Hazrat Abdullah had a brother Fazl ibn Abbas.

When Hazrat Abdullah ibn Abbas may Allah be pleased with him was youngster, he would often visit the Holy Prophet Peace be upon him, who Peace be upon him had himself an unusual penchant for him.

Once Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbas may Allah be pleased with him wished to fight in the holy wars against the pagans, he was not permitted on account of his younger age which was below the prescribed age of fifteen years.

Hazrat Abdullah ibn Abbas was a cousin of Hazrat Muhammad Peace be upon him. He is well-regarded by all sects for his knowledge and broadmindedness. He had learnt the Holy Quran by heart and was an expert in its exegesis, as well as an influence on the Sunnat-e-Muhammadi.

One night when the Holy Prophet peace be upon him prepared to offer prayer (salat), Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbas may Allah be pleased with him stood behind to pray the prayer in the company of the Holy Prophet peace be upon him. The Holy Prophet peace be upon him pulled Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbas may Allah be pleased with him to his side and started prayer. As such the Holy Prophet peace be upon him started reciting, simultaneously Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbas may Allah be pleased with him moved a step back to his previous position behind the Holy Prophet peace be upon him. After completion of the prayer the Holy Prophet Peace be upon him inquired about his behaviour, Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbas may Allah be pleased with him replied “O Prophet (Peace be upon him) of Allah, who could have the audacity to stand in line with the Prophet of Allah at the time of prayers?” The Holy Prophet peace be upon him was so pleased at the answer and prayed to Allah, “O Allah, bless this lad with great knowledge and increase him in intellect and wisdom”.

That prayer of the Holy Prophet peace be upon him was accepted and Abdullah bin Abbas grew up to be one of the foremost religious scholars whose opinion was sought by the rulers of nations. It is said that all the pious caliphs of Islam used to consult him in delicate matters. Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbas may Allah be pleased with him, is remembered by posterity for his contribution to Islam and is honoured as one of the great heroes of Islam and great hero of Abbasids.
Hazrat Abdullah may Allah be pleased with him had argued with Hazrat Imam Hussain ibn Ali may Allah be pleased with him not to go towards Kufa.

Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbas may Allah be pleased with him as the most knowledgeable of the Companions (Sahaba) of Muhammad peace be upon him in Tafsir, became one of the greatest commentators of the Holy Quran. A book of Tafsir titled “Tanwir al-Miqbas min Tafsir ibn Abbas”, its all explanations are said to go back to Ibn Abbas as all narrations transmitted by Ibn Abbas.

Ibn Abbas may Allah be pleased with him viewed that Tafsir can be divided in four categories, which are;
1. The category the Arabs knew because of its language.
2. Those of ignorance of which no one will be excused.
3. Those which the scholars know.
4. Those which no one knows except Allah.

He had a son named Ali ibn Abdullah, From Ibn Abbas lineage came the Abbasid dynasty.

Among his students were:
Mujahid ibn Jabr, Al-Rabi ibn Khuthaym, Saeed bin Jubayr, Qasim ibn Muhammad ibn Abu Bakr, Atiyya bin Saad, Ata ibn Abi Rabah, Tawus ibn Kaysan, Wahb ibn Munabbih, Ali bin Abu Talha

He left this mortal world at the mountainous city of Taif in 68 AH at the age of 71 years, some writers has written that he may Allah be pleased with him has left this mortal world between 68 and 70 AH, God knows better.

-------------------------------------------------THE END-----------------------------------------
Note:- This article is written by Dr. Mustafa Husain Kalhoro, Taagrraai of Ripri who is the 1st history writer of Ripri. There are his 08 published books and several unpublished. His most popular books are “HISTORY OF RIPRI & RAAT JI REHANN”.

Dr. Mustafa Kalhoro Taagrraai
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