(Dr. Mustafa Kalhoro Taagrraai, Karachi)

Abul-Abbas Abdullah Ibn Mohammed Ibn Ali Ibn Abdullah Ibn Abbas was born in 104 AH. He was announced the first caliph of Abbasis in Kofa. Kofa was capital and in 134 AH it shifted to Hashmia near Ambaar. Before his caliphate on 13th Rabi ul Sani 132 AH, an assembly of his supporters was called in Mosque in Black clothes due to martyrdom of his brother Imam Ibrahim and on account of this incident he announced in his first address his title “Al-Saffah” the butcher and promised to get severe revenge of his brother.

He had married with Ume Salma, he had one son Muhammad by name and one daughter too.

The final combat between the Umayyads and the Abbasis took place in 132 AH/ 750 AD and resulted in ending the Umayyads empire.

The establishment of the Abbasids Empire caused political, social and cultural impacts in all over the Islamic empire.

The caliph Abul-Abbas appointed the following rulers:
1. Abu Awn Abdul Malik Ibn Yazid, for the second time from Ramadan 137H/ February 755AD to Rabei Awwal 141H/July 758 AD.
2. Moosa Ibn Kaab Ibn Oyayna Ibn Aisha Ibn Amro Ibn Serri Ibn Aeiza Ibn al-Harith Ibn Emro'a al-Quays, from Rabei Akhar 141H/ 758AD to Zel Queida 141H/ March 759AD.
3. Mohammed Ibn al-Aha'th al-Khoza'i for one year from Zel Hijja 141H/ April 759 AD.
4. Hamid Ibn Quahtaba, from Ramadan 143H/December 760AD to Zel Que'da 144H/February 762AD.
5. Yazid Ibn Hatim al-Mohalabi, from Zel Que'da 144 H/February 762AD to Rabei Akhar 152H/January 772AD.
6. Abdullah Ibn Abdul Rahman Ibn Muawya Ibn Hodeig, from Rabie Akhar 152H/April 768AD till his death in Safar 155H/January 772 AD.
7. Mohammed Ibn Abdul Rahman Ibn Muawya Ibn Hodeig, from Safar 155H/January 772 to Shawal of the same year.
8. Moussa Ibn Ollai Ibn Rabah al-lakhmi, from Shawwal 155H/772AD to Zel Hijja 161H/September 778AD.

His tenure of caliphate was four years and eight months.
He was died due to disease on 12th Zul Hajj 136 AH/ May 754 AD and was buried in Ambaar.
Note:- This article is written by Dr. Mustafa Husain Kalhoro, Taagrraai of Ripri who is the 1st history writer of Ripri. There are his 08 published books and several unpublished. His most popular books are “HISTORY OF RIPRI & RAAT JI REHANN”.


Dr. Mustafa Kalhoro Taagrraai
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