PEACE In Pakistan and the world is experiencing situations of social and
political conflict in which the young are being involved in various ways, but
particularly as victims. It is now necessary to deepen not only the reasons and
contexts of conflict but the possibilities of overcoming and transforming it
into acts of peace, for it is necessary to hear the voices of different
stakeholders, so we see essential meet the voices and experiences of men and
women. Young people from the way they think, feel, express and act in different
contexts, contribute to conflict resolution peace the true exercise of a
fundamental human right and thus overcome as victims of violence of the global
system. Peace is constructed, not given, for it demands creativity, dialogue,
participation, recognition of differences; it is a process that requires
different attitudes is therefore a process social, cultural and political.
Should make an approach, to various forms of perceived conflict of peace and
identify maturity levels over the same from different conceptions of peace,
violence, conflict, coexistence, respect, dignity and justice life. As First,
young people should know themselves and understand that starts with people in
itself, peace is within us, whether we are alone we can be agents of peace, and
instill peace to our neighbor which in turn it inculcated, their loved ones, and
could form a chain of peace. Furthermore, if we are at peace with us we can love
and be practiced, respect, tolerance and solidarity, and begin the real process
of peace.
In this circumstances Aasaan facilitate youths and make life easier with full of
happiness. In the nut shell there are only some foundation which work for youth
and Aasaan is one of them.