
(Jahanzeb, Gujranwala)

I’m neither Tom, nor a ‘dick’ and never even acted like Harry… but like every Tom, Dick and Harry in my surroundings I have a dream: and that dream is to grow, grow higher with a lot lesser effort. At least with lesser effort than it takes to get that thing done. Aiming high isn’t a crime, but targeting the peak when you haven’t even yet decided and planned to climb the mountain will always be a big mistake. And the most beautiful thing about today’s generation is, we aim targets, as well we believe that we can take them (make them happen) but we don’t even have an idea of what it takes to courage.

Just have read something; taking grant about the Revolution and the Evolution. Now days, ‘Revolution’ has truly become a political, diplomatic or in some way a democratic joke, often rhymed by the one who are out of power and regime. O yes! The word Evolution seems to be a new one… somewhere Evolution means to evaluate yourself, and then rearrange yourself in a way that makes you worthy to get your targets and lay an example for others and by this featured Evolution you might generate some momentum. If you got the spark, you’ll be a national hero somewhere, otherwise ‘Traitor’ is also a word which weights and lot and keeps a wroth as well.

History might clear this point of view quite clearly. The soil of sub-continent has created as well have given birth to much revolutionist kind of persons and to many such fake leaders… whose did nothing but somehow managed to get themselves as a part of history. But it’s truly a discussion of no use, who were they and what part they played, as they are heroes for some!

The question is how it is determined that whether a person is a Revolutionist (a hero) or a Traitor? Both fight for a cause, both have some kind of obligations toward their objectives. Some one said: “creation of a new element might take destruction of many and that’s what makes this world suffer, and that’s what will leave this world as a ‘no more’ someday” and can easily be seen in the Chemistry… a revolutionist is a person who stands against the system and want to get it changed, amended or replaced somewhat, but at what cost? What is he been fighting for and what he is fighting against? What makes the difference which defines him a revolutionist or a traitor?

I truly agree that Evolution is a better way than a revolution of destruction… actually nothing like a revolution truly exists, it takes years and decades and sometimes centuries to amend and replace a system which is followed and practiced for centuries and generations. And it takes years to redefine what is ‘Good’ or ‘Bad’. Revolution is no way; Evolution is the way towards the Revolution. A revolution will leave us with noting; look at Iran… they managed to deliver a revolution and now where they stand in the world when compared with where they were. Iran is a country with huge reserves of energy which is the standard of power from the very start of this world, so where do we stand…

It’s an appeal to the youth: “please don’t think about a revolution, have yourself measured. Change yourself… start the change from yourself. Lead an example instead of criticizing the situation and the system. We have made ourselves a part to this system, and we truly need to. What we can do is to be a part of system and then pull a change in the society. We have the example of Islam in the Arabs and non-Arabs. Islam didn’t appeared as a complete code of life just at once it at least took it ten years to claim it as a power and twenty three years to make a complete code for us” this revolution was powered by Allah Almighty, He took His time… then why we are in a hustle?”

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