I have heard a lot of people
complaining about their fate, our rulers, wapda authorities, their financial
conditions in their lives. They say that they are leading an unhappy and
miserable life. Many students of my age, if they do not get admission in their
subjects they loose their spirits they give up studying or they choose such
subjects which are not of their interest, just to pass them and take a degree.
The media is constantly bombarding us with negative thoughts, stories of
failing, the economy, companies, violence, and poverty. People around us stick
to these problems, wastes their time, complains about them and in reality do not
act for the solution of it, they stay depress underestimates them and think that
they can’t get a better life. . It's getting harder to keep a positive outlook,
while still living in the 'real world', but it may be our outlook that is the
difference between success and failure
One quote of Abraham Lincoln I like is
“Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be”
Only what you have to do is replace negative thoughts with positive ones and you
will get positive results
Things to remember to stay positive
Make a list (mental or on paper) of all the things you are grateful for. You
will realize how much great stuff is in your life. Remember all the good things
about your life. Think about your family and friends. Think about the good
that's in your life.
Focus on what you want, not what you don't want. If you focus on the bad things,
you will have a negative and bad view on life. Focus on the good in your life.
Make a list, write down everything that's great about you and your life. Keep
that list with you. Rewrite it a bunch of times.
Surround yourself with other positive people. Other people's outlooks influence
what we think and feel. Other positive people keep us energized and focused on
the good.
Take each challenge as a learning experience. We don’t know what we can’t do
until and unless we try it.
Replace thoughts like: I can't do that! and I hope to get this with I CAN do
that! and I WILL get this.
By replacing negativity with belief, your dreams stop being a fantasy or plan
and become aspirations that will come to pass.
A positive attitude brings strength, energy and initiative.
Remember when "God closes a door, he opens the window. If one door closes
another one opens. Don’t be so focused on the closed door that you miss the open
one. Every struggle comes with it a bigger and better opportunity.
Failure is a part of life there’s good in failure because we learn in failure
the people who have nothing to struggle for in life, have nothing to compare
happiness to.
Staying calm under pressure can be so important, but it’s one of the hardest
things to do.
So what you have to do is make yourself prepare to face that stressful
situation. Take deep breaths it helps to calm down and stimulates the nerves.
Get some time out, go for a walk or get away for a moment from there. Focus on
the positive aspect, this really changes the way you feel about it. Take action
to solve the situation and take only one thing at one time and after completing
one, pick other.
Winston Churchill has said that
“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the
opportunity in every difficulty”
So take a step forward and try to see the opportunity behind the difficulty.
These negative thought paralyze your ability to move forward and change.
All of our feelings beliefs & knowledge are based on our internal thoughts, both
conscious & sub conscious .We are in control , whether we know it or not. We can
be positive or negative, enthusiastic or dull, active or passive.
The biggest difference between people is their attitudes.
In order to turn the mind toward the positive, inner work and training are
required. Attitude and thoughts do not change overnight.