Allama Iqbal On Exposing Character Of So Called Muslim Scholars

(Shahzad Shameem, Abbottabad)

*. ILfaaz-o-maani main tafawat nahin lekin
Mullah ki azan aur hai, Mujahid ki azan aur
Parwaaz hai dono ki issi aik fiza main
Girgis ka jahan aur hai, Shaheen ka jahan aur

(Meanings: ILfaaz-o-Maani = Words and meanings; Tafawat = Difference; Mullah = Referring to so called Muslim scholars; Mujahid = True Muslim with strong Faith and belief; Parwaaz = Flight; Girgis = Kite; Shaheen = Hawk)

*. Saudagri nahin, ye ibadat Khuda ki hai
O baykhabar! jaza ki tammanna bhi chor dey
Wa'iz saboot layey jo ma'y kay jawaz main
Iqbal ko ye zid hai kay peena bhi chor dey

(Meanings: Saudagri = Trade or some agreement of give n' take; Ibadat = Worship; Baykhabar = Ignored; Jaza = Reward; Tammanna = Desires; Wa'iz = One who delivers speech in Mosque; saboot = Proof; Ma'y = Referring to sins and forbidden things; Zid = To insist upon something)

*. Sher mardon say hua baisha-e-tehqeeq tahi
Reh gayey sufi-o-mullah kay ghulam aey saaqi
Ishq ki taigh-e-jigar daar chura li kis nay?
ILM kay haath main khali hau nayaam aey saaqi

(Meanings: Sher Mardon = Brave Muslims with strong faith; baisha-e-tehqeeq= Referring to Muslim nation; Tahi = Empty; ghulam = slave; saaqi = friend; Ishq = Strong Faith; taigh-e-jigar daar = Strength; chura = To steal; ILM = Knowledge; Khali = Empty; Nayaam = Sword holder)

*. Go uss ki khudai main mohajin ka bhi hai haath
Duniya tou samajhti hai Farangi ko Khudawand
Ehkaam TEREY Haq hain, magar apney muffassir
Taweel say Quran ko bana saktey hain paband
Derwesh-e-Khuda mast na sharqi hai na gharbi
Ghar uss ka na Dilli, na Safahan, na Samarqand
Chup reh na saka Hazrat-e-Yazdan main bhi Iqbal
Kerta koi iss banda-e-gustaakh ka mun band

(Dr. Iqbal is assuming here as if he is taken to Almighty God and is talking to HIM)

(Meanings: Go= Although; Uss = Referring to British here; Mohajin = Referring to Hindu Brahmins; haath = involvement; Farangi = British; Khudawand = Master; Ehkaam = Commandments; TEREY = Referring to ALLAH; Haq = Justified/valid/true; Muffassir = One who explains or educate others; Taweel = False logic for self benefit; Paband = Referring to interpret wrong meanings in self interest; Darwesh-e-Khuda = True Saint; Sharqi = Eastern; Gharbi = Western; Ghar = permanent residence; chup = Silent; Hazrat-e-Yazdan = Before ALLAH; banda-e-gustaakh = Rebellious natured man)

*. Yahi sheikh-e-Haram hai, jo chura ker baich khata hai
Galim-e-Bu Zar-o-dalq-e-Awais-o-chader-e-Zehra
Hazoor-e-Haq main Israfeel nay meri shikayat ki
Ye banda waqt say pehley qayamat ker na dey berpa

(Meanings: Sheikh-e-Haram = Referring to so called Muslim scholars who have established their clergy in religion, hence ignoring the Commandment of Quran that no clergy is allowed in religion; Chura ker baich khana = To defame Islam and to misrepresent teachings of Muhammad (PBUH); Galim-e-Bu Zar/Dalq-e-Awais/Chader-e-Zehra = Practices and teachings of companions/daughter of Muhammad (PBUH); Hazoor-e-Haq = Before ALLAH; Israfeel = An angel; Shikayat = Complaint; berpa = emergence)

*. Ishq say paida nawa hai zindagi main zer-o-bam
Ishq say mitti ki tasweeron main soz-e-dam badam
Aey Musalman! apney dil say pooch, mullah say na pooch
Ho gaya ALLAH kay bandon say kyon khali Haram

(Meanings: Ishq = Faith; nawa = voice; zer-o-bam = Thick n' thin; Mitti ki tasweeron = Human beings; soz-e-dam badam = Life)

*. Ye misra likh diya kis shokh nay mehrab-e-Masjid per?
Ye nadan gir gayey sajdey main jab waqt-e-qayam aya
Diya Iqbal nay Hindi musalmanon ko soz apna
Ye ik mard-e-tan asan tha, tan asanon kay kaam aya

(Meanings: Misra = verse; shokh = jolly; mehrab-e-Masjid = wall of Mosque; nadan = ignored; sajdey = prostrate; qayam = standing straight in prayers; Soz = thoughts; mard-e-tan asan = man of words, not of action)

*. Dil hai Musalman tera na mera
Tu bhi namazi, main bhi namazi
Main janta hun anjaam uss ka
Jis maarkey main Mullah ho ghazi

(Meanings: Anjaam = Conclusion; Maarkey = Adventure; Ghazi = Warrior)

*. Andaz-e-bayan agarchey mera shokh nahin hai
Shayad kay terey dil main uter jayye meri baat
Wo mazhab-e-mardan-e-khud agah-o-Khuda mast
Ye mazhab-e-mullah-o-jamadat-o-nabatat

(Meanings: Andaz-e-bayan = Speech; Agarchey = though; shokh = Jolly (referring to being impressive here); wo mazhab-e-mardan-e-khud agah-o-Khuda mast = Referring to strong Faith and practices of companions of Prophet (PBUH) and praising them for their honesty and strength; ye mazhab-e-mulla-o-jamadat-o-nabatat = Referring to present day's Islam and calling it a creation of so called fake religious scholars, who defamed Islamic teachings in self interests)

*. Ajab nahin kay Khuda tak teri rasai ho
Teri nigah say hai poshida aadmi ka muqaam
Teri namaz main baqi na jalal hai, na jamal
Teri azan main nahin meri seher ka paigham

(Dr. Iqbal is addressing so called fake scholars here)

(Meanings: Ajab = Amazing; Rasai = Approach; Nigah = Sight; poshida = Hidden; Aadmi = Human being; Muqaam = Grade; Namaz = Prayer (referring to deeds and moral values too); Jalal = Grace; Jamal = prestige; Azan = Call for prayers (Referring to patience, wisdom and foresight too); Seher = Referring to true teachings of Quran which were practically demonstrated by Muhammad (PBUH))

*. Zinda qu'at thi jahan main yehi Tauheed kabhi
Aaj kya hai? faqat ik masla-e-ilm-e-kalaam
Qaum kya cheez hai, qaumon ki immamat kya hai
Iss ko kya samjhain ye becharey dou rakat kay Imaam

(Meanings: Zinda qu'at = Influential strength; Jahan = World; Tauheed = Referring to Islam; Faqat = Merely; Masla-e-ILM-e-Kalam = A matter of recitation only; Qaum = Nation; Qaumon ki Immamat = Leading nation; Becharey = Poor; Do rakat kay Imam = Referring to so called scholars of Islam)

*. Wahdat ki hifazat nahin bay quat-e-bazu
Aati nahin kuch kaam yahan aql-e-Khudadad
Aey mard-e-Khuda! tujh ko wo qu'at nahin haasil
Ja baith kisi ghaar main ALLAH ko ker yaad
Mullah ko jo hai Hind main sajdey ki ijazat
Nadan ye samjhta hai kay Islam hai azaad

(Meanings: Wahdat = Tauheed/Islam; Hifazat = Protection; Bay quat-e-bazu = Without strong faith; Aql-e-Khudadad = mere wisdom; Mard-e-Khuda = Referring to fake scholars of Islam here; haasil = possession; Ghaar = Cave)

*. Sufi ki tareeqat main faqat masti-e-ahwaal
Mullah ki shariat main faqat masti-e-guftaar
Wo mard-e-mujahid nazar aata nahin mujh ko
Ho jis kay rag-o-pey main faqat masti-e-kirdaar

(Meanings: Sufi = fake religious scholar; Tareeqat = speech; faqat = Only; masti-e-ahwaal = paper claims with no practical model; Mullah = fake scholar; Shariat = law; masti-e-guftaar = attractive theories without any demonstration; Mard-e-Mujahid = Man of strong Faith; nazar aata nahin = Doesn't exist; rag-o-pey = all deeds; masti-e-kirdaar = Practical example of truth and Quran)

*. Peeran-e-kaleesa hon ya sheikhan-e-Haram hon
Na jiddat-e-kirdar, na jiddat-e-guftaar
Duniya ko hai uss mehdi-e-berhaq ki zaroorat
Ho jiski nigah zalzala-e-aalam-e-ufkaar
(Meanings: Peeran-e-Kaleesa = Priests in Church; Sheikhan-e-Haram = Muslim scholars in Mosque; Jiddat-e-Kirdaar = Strong character; Jiddat-e-guftaar = Impressive speech; Mehdi-e-berhaq = Mehdi Mo'ud denotatively, connotatively referring to a savior of people; nigah zalzala-e-alam-e-ufkaar = Strong character and honest)

*. Bayan main nukta-e-Tauheed aa tou sakta hai
Terey damagh main bu't khana ho, tou kya kahiyey
Muqam-e-faqr kitna buland hai shahi say
Teri nigah ghulamana ho, tou kya kahiyey
(Meanings: Bayan = Speech of scholars on matters of religion; Nukta-e-Tauheed = Discussion on Islam; Bu't khana = Temple of idols/referring to non Islamic traditions; Muqam-e-Faqr = Grade of hospitality; buland = high; shahi = Grade of royal crown; Nigah = Vision or thoughts; Ghulamana = Slavish)

*. Baqi na rahi wo teri aina zameeri
Aey kushta-e-sultani-o-mullai-o-peeri

(Meanings: Aina Zameeri = Faith; Kushta-e-sultani-o-mulla-i-o-peeri = Those ignored and aloof Muslims who blindly follow so called fake scholars and treat them like sacred souls)

*. Koi ye poochey kay wa'iz ka kya bigarta hai?
Jo bayamal per bhi karam Wo Beynyaz karey
Gharoor-e-zehd nay sikhla diya hai wa'iz ko
Kay bandgan-e-Khuda pay zaban daraaz karey
Hawa ho aisi kay Hindustan say aey Iqbal!
Urra kay mujh ko ghubaar-e-rah-e-Hijaaz karey

(Meanings: Poochey = To inquire; Wai'z = One who delivers speech in Mosque; Bigarta = Loss; Bayamal = Non practicing and low graded Muslim; Karam = Blessings/mercies; WO Baynyaz = Referring to ALLAH; Gharoor-e-Zehd = Being proud of one's high religious status; Bandgan-e-Khuda = slaves of ALLAH; Zaban Daraz karey = To criticise; Hawa = Direction; Ghubaar-e-rah-e-Hijaaz = Dust of Makkah and Madina)

*. Tu bhi hai shewa-e-arbab-e-raya main kaamil
Dil main London ki hawas, lab pey terey zikr-e-Hijaaz
Jhoot bhi maslehet aamez tera hota hai
Tera andaz-e-tammaluq bhi sarapa ejaaz

(Addressing to fake scholars here)

(Meanings: Shewa-e-arbab-e-raya = Hypocrite; Kamil = specialist; Dil main terey London ki hawas = Desires of visiting London; Lab pey terey zikr-e-Hijaaz = Praising Makkah and Medina all the time, thus being hypocritical; Jhoot= Lies; Maslehet aamez = better than truth; Andaz-e-Tammaluq = To flatter or being slavishly low in praising others for self benefit; Sarapa Ejaaz = Simply great (Dr. Iqbal is making fun of the so called scholars by saying that since they pretend to be sacred figures, even their sins are better than good deeds of an ordinary person)

*. Nasha pila kay girana tou sab ko aata hai
Maza tou tab hai kay girton ko thaam ley saaqi
Kati hai raat tou hangama gustri main teri
Seher kareeb hai, ALLAH ka naam ley saaqi

(Meanings: Nasha = Drugs/addiction; pila kay girana = To betray others; Maza = Something different or unique; girton ko thaam ley = To help the oppressed and troubled; Kati hai raat tou hangama gustri main teri = Addressing to fake scholars saying that their night passed in spreading revolt and sectarian riots; Seher kareeb hai, ALLAH ka naam ley saaqi = addressing to fake scholars and advising them that it is better late than never, and they should now submit to original teachings of Quran)

*. Mujh ko tou sikha di hai Afrang nay zandiqi
Iss dour kay Mullah hain kyon nang-e-Musalmani?
ho naqsh ager baatil, takraar say kya haasil?
Kya tujh ko khush aati hai Adam ki ye arzaani?

(Meanings: Sikha di = To give training; Afrang = British; zandiqi = Corruption; Iss dour kay Mullah = Muslim scholars of the present era; Nang-e-Musalmani = Lacking knowledge of Islam and Muslim character; Naqsh = proved; Batil = False; Takraar = Argument; Haasil = conclusion; Khush aati hai = To be happy; Adam = Human being; Arzaani = Clashes) (Dr. Iqbal is comparing himself with a sinner low graded Muslim and saying that reason of such people's downfall is ignorance of Islam and influence of British. Dr. Iqbal is pondering in second verse that why Muslim scholars of this era are also lacking Islamic vision. He further says that if something is already proved to be wrong by everyone, what is the reason of arguing upon such thing then? Is it an attempt to spread revolt which might excite some?)

H/Dr. Shahzad Shameem
About the Author: H/Dr. Shahzad Shameem Read More Articles by H/Dr. Shahzad Shameem: 242 Articles with 389863 views H/DOCTOR, HERBALIST, NUTRITIONIST, AN EDUCATIONISTS, MOTIVATIONAL TRAINER, SOCIAL WORKER AND WELL WISHER OF PAKISTAN AND MUSLIM UMMAH.

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