We Should Celebrate Black

(Shahzad Shameem, Abbottabad)

WE should Celebrate Black because:  BLACK IS IN/BLACK ALWAYS BEEN IN !

1- House of ALLAH
 - Kaa'ba in Mecca is covered in BLACK.
2- Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) 's Shroud / Shaal /Kamlee was BLACK.
3- Hajr-e-Aswad (Sacred Stone) at Kaa'ba is BLACK.
4- The Letter of Qura'n (The Holy Book) are BLACK.
5- The most precious / highly in demand nature's resource OIL is BLACK &
also known as BLACK GOLD>

Here are some MORE>>>>>>>>>>> "Black is in!"

The most powerful politician in the world is Black.
The head of the Republican National Committee is Black.
The best known media mogul on earth is Black.
The greatest golfer in the world is Black.
The top female tennis players in the world are Black.
The highest grossing actor worldwide is Black.
The fastest racing driver in the world is Black.
The brightest Astrophysicist under the sun is Black.
The Superbowl-winning Head Coach is Black.
The most successful brain surgeon in the world is Black.
The fastest human on the planet is Black.
Michael Jackson must be kicking himself.

Thanks to:
Ashraf M. Abbasi, PhD.
Chairman, PAC-Advisory Council

H/Dr. Shahzad Shameem
About the Author: H/Dr. Shahzad Shameem Read More Articles by H/Dr. Shahzad Shameem: 242 Articles with 390657 views H/DOCTOR, HERBALIST, NUTRITIONIST, AN EDUCATIONISTS, MOTIVATIONAL TRAINER, SOCIAL WORKER AND WELL WISHER OF PAKISTAN AND MUSLIM UMMAH.

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