Rainbow of Life

(Umair, karachi)

Relations are meant to relate ourselves with some personalities on the behalf of our personal interests. Sometimes we spend our whole life in search of them and sometimes our relations follow us till our last breath. Our parents give us roots to stand in the fast flowing waves of the world. And our friends do care of us. Our love increases our confidence and gives us more and more maturity. Our friends also play a very important role in our life. Sometimes we loose our friends’ in search of true love and sometimes we remain loveless even in the precious friends gathering.

Well, relations do matter and love is the base of every relation. Love has to be alive in every condition whether our relations leave us and meet with the eternal death. Relations develop when care evolves and we want those dear ones to remain with us forever. When we miss those whom our relations has developed and we wait for them even till angel of death says hello dear your time of play is over! Love is the pivotal of all the relations because we can not move forward without this precious word. Our true (Real) friends are indicators of right path in words of a wise man about friend “A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out” so losing them means you have just decided that you don’t need the indication that shows you a path!. True love comes when peak of real friendship is attained

Commitments make a sound base for every relation and also they depict our devotion, sincerity and trust to particular relations. It’s just an endless rainbow of relations that attract us and trap us- so that we spend our whole life happily and peacefully by saying that Relations and Friendship, Commitments, Sincerity, Trust and Love are the precious colors of the life s rainbow. Sometimes many factors mix up with them and try to fade them but these colors become brighter and stronger as after the rain.

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