Nadra’s Hurdles

(Adeel Nazir, )

I went to Nadra office with one of my director. As I enter to office, I quit shocked as I saw the damn faces of people. People were facing various problems during the issuance of CNIC. Before this I let you know about how difficult to make CNIC just because of has centralized data system of Nadra. I am not criticizing the centralized system of Nadra, I just want to tell about people whose are working in different Nadra offices they know the fun of making people fool. Innocent People come to get the identity and the representative of Nadra said a number of stupid sentences, why are you coming here, this isn’t day of male, today a person who is issuance a token he hasn’t come so come tomorrow, sorry the token time has closed at 12pm while the timing is on 5pm and, here only missing CNICs make. I let you know one more thing that the main office of Nadra in Karachi city is situated in Shara-e-Faisal. We come with positive thought that our problem will resolve their but unfortunately as usual the representative also trying to making us fool that your father & mother CNICs are tampering. I replied this is your work to know is it tampering or not. you have to find out. Even my Director have Original Driving license, original CNIC original Passport, I couldn’t know that corruption has crossed the limit.

In the nut shell I request to concerned authorities kindly representatives of Nadra work for people not for taking bribe. They should do their responsibilities with truthiness and loyalty.

Adeel Nazir
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