Media Organizations In Pakistan

(Mehboob Alam Khalil, Peshawar)

Media the plural of medium refers to means of communication of information's, ideas, feelings, thoughts expressions etc. A media organizations refers to those which process these informations etc and then disseminate it to the masses. They followed the principles of "Public right to know" and the common fever of objectivity mean disseminating information not using adverbs and adjectives. But if you look at the information disseminated on a single day you will come across thousand of times that objectivity is totally lost. The message that I wish to convey is that the media organization in Pakistan should know their responsiblities, must re-assess western theories of objectivity which meant to be produced only in black in white and for the people of third world countries having no thorough understanding of it. The risks to the lives of journalists and the negative impacts of media contents on the society is because of the fact that media organizations have only memorize the stupid theories of the western where there are several instances valid enough to prove them that they are also violating their own mended theories. Our media organization should strive for formulating theory of disseminating information to the masses having no contradiction with the nature of the society. They should first have a thorough knowledge of the varied nature of the society, than they perform the duty of public right to know and bring objectivity. This might enable them to fulfill their responsibilities in a better manner.

Mehboob Alam Khalil
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