Difference Between Likeness & Love

(Rana Asif, Riyadh KSA)

The likeness and love are totally opposite thing in fact.

It has made a trend to say I love you but reality is nothing just imagine I express my feeling that I am in love with you is quite different rather than I use to say I love you. Likeness is our choice but love relates to emotions.

Likeness arises in mind but love is by your heart. As mind and heart are two different things, similarly likeness and love differ from each other. Some people think logically and some think emotionally. When a man thinks logically , he creates some standards of good and bad, and likes each and every thing that match those standards while dislikes those things that are out of his standards.

But love is an uncontrollable and unconscious feeling of association with someone. When a man loves some one, he can not live with out him/her.

He starts to depend emotionally upon his/her lover and it is not in his/her control. A man can like one or more things and persons but love is only one. We can normally live without our liked things but it is difficult to live with out your love. There are not any defined criteria of love.

But these are not as hard and fast rules of life, because all the human beings are not same in their nature and ideas. There are so many people that have their life decision according to their logics and don't believe on emotions.

There's a big difference between like and love. When a person first finds true love, love jumps out and snatches the heart and squeezes the heck out of it and holds on like a suckling piglet. It leaves a quizzing feeling in the pit of a stomach and causes the mind to rush wild with all types of endorphins. Just a touch of the flesh can send goose flesh all over the body. Love causes the heart/mind to totally change toward the person they are sharing it with. The couple wants to share as much of their time together as they can. They share thoughts and ideas with each other. They like to plan their futures together and what they would like to accomplish during their lifetime together. Love is so special that at times a person feels as though their riding on clouds and shooting at the stars and as long as their partner is beside them they can do anything. It causes one to look forward to waking in the mornings and to getting home to their mate in the evenings. It's knowing you have that someone special to nurse their pains, sorrows, heartaches, misfortunes and sad nesses with them, and to know they are truly there to listen and be concerned and show them they do care about their feelings. A true love can last a lifetime. I know this for certain because I'm still as much in love with my lover as the first day I met her. I would say that is love...

There are many people I like, but like certainly isn't love! You can like a person for many reasons, they may have the personality that fits your needs, your likes and dislikes agree, you enjoy their company and your chit chats together, your hobbies and crafts, their morals, their honesty and truthfulness, their kindness and loyalty. You can like a person for many reasons...it's all in what you as a person like and look for in a friend. I have many friends in my life, some are more special but that is because I'm around them more than I am the others who live out of town. If I make a friend, they last a lifetime with me. I'll keep in touch and I'll be there at any time, if they should need me. A friend is like a family member, someone who fits in the proper place in your life. You would do anything for them as you would for a family member. I would say this is love but of a different sort...its love for someone who has made an imprint in your heart, and one, you would never want to lose. I treasure a friend just as I do a family member, they're special to me and they're part of my life.

So you see, there's a big difference between love of a partner and liking a friend. You never look at your friend as a lover or as a mate, if they're happily married. You look at them as strictly a friend that has a special place in your heart. Now, under some circumstances, you might fall in love with a friend, but the friendship came first and magnified into a more serious relationship after problems cropped up in their marriages. It would be very hard for me to ever cross the line and become serious with another's partner. But all those who got deceived in love having comments that is a need nothing else when it fulfills love comes to end.

Shortly in my view likeness is a desire and love is feelings which realize us that we are in love.

Rana Asif
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