Load Shedding

(Syed Hussain Mosavi, karachi)

I would like to draw the attention of the higher authorities and the department of KESC concerned through your news paper to the increasing load shedding in Pakistan.

Load shedding is the one major problem of Pakistan. The first problem which happens due to load shedding is the failure of industry of Pakistan. This effect badly on all types of industry in mini industry there is no alternative source of electricity. So when load shedding started these industries stop their work. In big industry although they have a source of electricity but if they produce electricity from there on source then its cost become very high. So due to this work is not done in any type of industry. Also no investor invest on industry in Pakistan in day by day Pakistan goes down rapidly.

Another problem which exists due to the load shedding due the business in markets due to markets also affected. No work mostly night time. Although many problems occurred in day time but some business has to be done but in night time all shops in market closed. So economically it's has very worst bad effect occurred on. Studies is due to load shedding student doing not decide proper time there studies.

I hope the government and related departments will take notice about these facts try to solve these problems thinking as the basic need of the people.

Syed Hussain Mosavi
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