Where are the Laws ..???

(Syed Hussain Mosavi, karachi)

 It's been pathetic to hear the news again rape of 5 year old Girl. In the month of December the girl had been raped in the bus and after that THE LAWS have came and many more committees have been made to stop this Injustice. But at the end where is the Justice.

We all are living in a myth that someone would come and stop this crime. But the reality is "THE Crime Rate" has increased manifolds. A lot many laws have been made. But the Question is where is the implementation when we all can feel "YES this is freedom"..??. This question's answer is like a puzzle.

So, to stop this crime the mandatory thing is to check whether the laws are working properly and misrepresentation should be bring under notice to the superior authority without any delay. Police should be aware about their positions.

Syed Hussain Mosavi
About the Author: Syed Hussain Mosavi Read More Articles by Syed Hussain Mosavi: 11 Articles with 9009 viewsCurrently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.