
(zeeshan shoukat, karachi)

Communication is basically the process of exchange of information or views between two or more than two people. when we communicate it means we are trying to establish a commoness with someone. talking with someone, reading a newspaper, watching television etc are all are different kinds of communication that we are engaged in everyday, that is we are trying to share information, an idea or an attitude.

Communication is further divided into three main categories: intrapersonal communication,interpersonal communication and mass communication. Intrapersonal communication is the communication of a person within himself or herself. So, when we are doing something with ourself it is intrapersonal communication. Examples include thinking process,singing etc.

Whereas, Interpersonal communication is a communication of a person with another person like a discussion between two people or friends. Examples includes questioning,arguing,class room etc. Face to face conversation is another example of this type of communication.

In mass communication, mass means group of individuals and communication means to communicate with the masses. So, according to the definition of mass communication"any mechanical device that multiplies messages and takes it to a larger number of people simultaneously". It is the process of communication through which messages are being transmitted which include tv,radio,newspapers etc.

zeeshan shoukat
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