(sehrish, karachi)

Mother is a truest friend of us and a precious gift from GOD. She is a woman who gives birth to a child and fulfills the main social role in raising the child. She spend most of their time in taking care of her home and are more likely than father’s to acknowledge their children’s contributions in conversation.

In todays world, woman playing an important part in helping her husband but after her husband, she is the only member who take responsibility of her family, plays a role of mother and father both and support them.

If we talk about Pakistan, so, unemployment in our country is at its peak and majority of male member’s in most of the families are jobless. So as to support her family, she must be well-qualified and must know what is right for her and what is not, but if she is illiterate than she must carry her children to tution. She is the first teacher of her child, as parents are the builder’s of children’s character and minds and educate their children first. So it will not be wrong if I would say: behind everyone’s success, there is always a hand of mother!

We can’t compare anyone with mother. There is not even a single person on earth who can take place of her. Infact according to islam, everyday is a mother’s day.

‘M’ is for the million things she gave me. ‘O’means only that she is growing old. ‘T’ is for the tears she shed to save me. ‘H’ is for het heart of purest gold. ‘E’ is for her eyes with love-light shinning. ‘R’ means right and the right she will always be. So, they spell mother, a word that means the world to me.

Lastly, I salute to all the mother’s on earth and all the mother’s in heaven.
labon pay us kay bad dua nahi hoti
bas aik maa hai jo kabhi khafa nahi hoti

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