Conditions of Hospitals

(Huzaifa Shah, Karachi)

Hospitals, a mandatory role playing facility for the society is in a disastrous condition these days. Although, there is a dire need to facilitate the densely populated city of Karachi with the proper facilities of hospitals there is still a great lack of proper managed hospitals that can offer good medical facilities.

Private hospitals, although offer great facilities but the layman is unable to bear the high expenses of these hospitals thus resolving to the option at hand which is government hospitals. But somehow it is being in observation by the layman that government hospitals lack the proper professional supervision as well as professional doctors that can handle complicated cases. So in such hospitals there is a liable outcome that patients are unsatisfied with the facilities at hand. Lack of professional doctors is one phase of the horrific reality. these hospitals even lack the proper equipment to be exact proper well maintained equipment which can be used to ensure the treatment of the patient and above all this the conditions of the vicinity itself is at times so filthy that hospital itself seems like a breeding ground for various diseases. The people who visit such hospitals are unaware of the condition as they mostly belong to tribal areas that rely on hospitals that offer low cost medical facilities. Being aware of condition and lack of facilities they are compelled to manage with what is provided to them.

I would like the concerned authorities to take in notice this situation and to inspect the hospitals to ensure the proper maintenance of hospitals that are established.

Huzaifa Shah
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