Entertainment and Senselesness

(Saheem Nasif, Lahore)

Entertainment consists of any activity which provides a diversion or permits people to ammuse themselves in their leisure time. Entertainment is generally passive such as watching a show on T.V or a movie. Similarly different games,sports,music and dance are also consider a source of entertainment. It was a time when these source of entertainment were used to really ammuse the people. According to my observation in this "competitive era" entertainment seems to promote sex,vulgarity,romance,make fun of everything and misuse of language.

Comedy is a source of laughter. But now has lost the sense to make difference between comedy and vulgarity. Same situation is the stage and theater. Music and dance are also not exceptional from negativeness. It seems that we have lost our aesthetics sense.It is pathetic that how item songs like "Sheela,Razia,Munnni got popularity among our society. We can not use these words in our general conversation but feel pride to sing these words.Sports and games are a source of entertainment but promoting violence. Games that based on weapons and such other tools make children aggresive. Cartoons ultimate source of entertainment moving to collapse. Barbie cartoons are a great example of it. In which glamour,romance and beauty are getting attractions. This is burning issuse all over the world when children seem to be growing up to fast due to such content.

It is said to destroy your enemy without war, attck your enemy with your culture. Our enemies are doing it consciously and we are defeating ourselves adopting their culture unconsciously. Therefore society is generating weak and dead values. It is on us how can we use these sources to solve our problems or increase our problems.

Saheem Nasif
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