In the Name of the Video Game??!!

(Naila R. Kirmani, Toronto, Canada)

Parents Please watch what your kids are playing!!!!!

True, every country should have tougher guns laws, and better care for mentally challenged kid but we also have to watch what our kids are playing in the name of video games. These games are another danger looming over our kids mental state..... Regardless of their rating system these are becoming more and more gruesome, and violent each and everyday. Most of the parents don't even care about this rating system.

I spent almost 45 minutes with a friend 's son, who was wearing a head phone, playing a latest game with his friend online. That was enough for me to understand how addicitve they can be,and what an extreme reactions they can evoke in a kid's mind.It made me sick to my stomach to watch, how expertly he was shooting at every single living target in the game.The 3D details of every victim...was horrible!

Whether, we accept it or not these games are slowly altering our kids behaviour.What we are training them to become in future?Thieves or Killing Machines???? Please watch what you are buying your kids in the name of kids games!!

Naila R. Kirmani
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