Do we deserve to be called a real muslim

(Farooq Ahmed Zarkoon, Quetta)

My article is about that "do we deserve to be called a real Muslim." In my point of view i don't think that we deserve to be called a real Muslim. We are so-called Muslim. We are not are a real Muslim. Because we don't have a single quality of a real Muslim. all the qualities that we have, are of non Muslims we do all the evil deeds like we do corruption, take bribery, eat usury, snatch the rights of others steel the things of others, instead of healing the wounds of others we give them new wounds every day we don't offer the five time prayers at time with aggregation we don't pay zakat,don't offer haj,don't observe the fasts,don't help the poors then how we deserve to be called a real Muslim? once our national poet had been to foreign countries and someone asked him that what have you seen over there ? He replied " I saw Islam there and Muslims here."

Farooq  Ahmed Zarkoon
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