Steve jobs was a peerless
personality of today’s world. He was son of Abdul Fateh Jan Jindali. He was from
Syria. He came to America for higher education, where he met an American girl
named Johny. Soon this relationship developed and Johny became pregnant. John
was not interested in filiations, but Johny was interested in giving birth to a
child. They quarreled over this issue and separated from each other. Jan Jandali
left Johny before the birth of Steve Jobs. Johny, the mother was facing
financial crisis, she feels that she will be unable to nurture the child. She
decided for miscarry, but time for abortion was already overdue and it was not
possible. She decided to hand over the child to childless family. She gave an
advertisement in newspaper. Three childless families contacted her. Mother
selected a lawyer family and Steve became foster-son before his birth.
Unfortunately on the birth of Jobs, lawyer family refused to adopt. They were
interested in girl instead of a boy. Johny called another couple selected from
the list. This was a poor family, and Johny was not in favor to give her child
to them but she was not in a position to buy milk for Steve. She handed over
sprog Steve to them and took promise from them that they give quality education
to Steve. The couple promised and this couple named Paul Jobs and Clara Jobs
became the parents of Steve.
Young Steve was not good in studies. He was a back bencher. He did not like
studies but his parents forced him to study. When he got admission in college,
he took the subject of calligraphy. Calligraphy has no future and even Steve
himself don’t know why is he studying Calligraphy, but continues to study. He
collected the empty cans of coca cola, sale it to rag picker. He went to temple
once in a week for free food. After several years addressing Stanford
University, he open the secret that if I did not read calligraphy I will not be
able to invent Mac Computer. Calligraphy gave me the idea of editing. Name of
Steve Jobs was struck off from the college due to his inefficiently and
unaddressed. Then Steve Jobs searched for a job for a long time and perform.
During this period he worked in a video game company and worked in a computer
firm in a very low profile.
In 1976, he with Steves Naik and Ronald Ronny laid foundation a company, Apple
The third Apple of the world which changes the world for ever. World’s first
apple which was eaten by Hazrat Adam advised by Hazrat Hawa and thrown from the
Second apple was Newton’s Apple who gave him the idea of gravity. The third
apple belongs to Steve Jobs which change the culture of world. Today world is
shifting from buttons to touch system. Soon your car will be on touch system,
windows and doors open with this touch system. You will switch on/off T.V. with
touch system. You don’t need to insert card in ATM machine, your fingers will be
your account. Your finger will be your ATM card. Pen and Paper will be replaced
by touch system. You can write with your fingertips. Today’s technology world is
greatly thankful to Steve Jobs, without his contribution we are deprived of
these super fast and latest technology devices.
Now look at the other side of the picture, in 2004 he was diagnosed cancer, and
doctors suggested that he will survive not more than six months. He refused to
accept this saying I have a lot of work to do and I am not going to surrender.
He survived for next seven years despite doctors advice just because of his
strong will power. He was working on I Phone at that time and lived with severe
cancer for seven years till he invented I Phone.
CEO of Apple company Steve Jobs took 1 dollar salary annually from the company.
50 cents for meetings and 50 cents for his working. Despite that he was ranked
42 in the list of most wealthiest personalities of America. His worth was 8300
million dollars. He earned from the shares of Apple and Disney world.
World has seen millions of people, but few of them changed the world. Steve Jobs
was one of them. Steve Jobs died on the 5th of October, 2011. Touch screen
technology puts the name of Steve Jobs in that list who remained in the memories
of history for ever.