Death of Hakimullah Mehsud,Serious Threats for Pakistan in Future

(Zarak Babar, Karachi)

As Pakistan's Law and order situation is getting critical and Hazardous Day by Day,Unfortunately America closed all the doors for Government of Pakistan in peace building and improving law and order by drone attack on Hakimullah Mehsud(Ex-Head of TTP).Day by day Govenment was taking good steps forward for table talks with Taliban.A group of some senior heads of Religious Orginizations in Pakistan were handed over the Task,but Unfortunately Govt. Failed to do so.

Taliban Head Died in the attack,as TTP comittee Announced Mullah Fazalullah as Second Head for TTP as the new Taliban chief says No talks,will not cease fire and will continue targeting Government Officials,Military Offiers,Political leaders and VIP persons.

As Serious Destruction in future is going to Happen.Govt. must take serious step in enlighting its soverignty and Boundary line and also restrict other states not to interfere in Pakistan's Loal Problems.

Zarak Babar
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