(karamat khan, larkana)

 The instinct quality of man to satisfy their needs is very much similar to that of animals but the main distinction between human and animals is the ability to acquire knowledge.Nature has lift many things unanswered for the man to explore it but at the sametime gifted him with such a quality to think,interpret and decide,a forest can grow naturally but a garden cannot,therefore man has to struggle to get knowledge.It doesn’t mean to get education for the purpose of a degree or to read or write, the aim of his acquiring knowledge should be to benefit himself and give benefits to humanity.
Suppose at a public place a luxury car stop and a well educated person come out in mark expensive suit having lots of rappers in his hands, where at one side a dustbin is placed on which it is written that I’m a dustbin me but he throw the rappers in the purpose of his education. As the health of the body is the first requisite of all human activities and is indispensible for all progress, a person to live hygienically and let to live other people hygienically. The man who does know the rules or hygiene and cleanliness is only half educated and the man who know all rules and knowledge and still not follow it is even more worse.

Then education should also sharpen our abilities and develop them full, it should remove superstition, prejudice and able perceive the distinction between the right and wrong between the true and false. In fact this power of discrimination is the highest function of the mind and only come to those who are really educated this also includes the ability to distinguish between the essential and inessential above all education should enable a person to think for himself and decide for himself. This free activity of mind is the greatest gift of education but it is sadly missing in our education class.

An aspect of education concern with spirit even if a person is healthy in body and sound in mind, something is missing. Even if one can live decently and can think logically and reasonably his education is not complete. one must be able to feel humanely a well educated person must be refined in his thoughts and kind in his intention his will should be according the highest principle of conduct and feeling. If vulgarity and cruelty survive education, it is not worth if man is gross in his thoughts and dull and beasty in his feelings, hi is not educated

The purpose of education is to get benefit of it and to serve the humanity as well without it a piece of paper called degree in hand useless

karamat khan
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