Khana Kaba

(Maria Khan, Mardan)

Khana Kaba is the first Home of ALLAH.Many people have written many facts about it.But today,i am sharing my own experience regarding Khana Kaba.My father lost his eye sight in one eye due to wrong treatment by doctors.He was upset.We also lost hope.He was in that situation from last 4 day his another eye lost sight too.My Aunty and uncle were planning to perform Hajj in 2012.One night i saw dream that i am performing tawaf around kaba.I decided to perform Hajj.i started darood shareef,and by grace of ALLAH things bacame easier.I became guest of ALLAH.ehen i was in Masjid HARAM near khana kaba,i did dua for my father,s eye sight.I did dua near Multazim.i retuned home,and during few months my father,s eye sight got better.He can see well.He says after 5 years he is able to see properly now.His eye sight is getting better.ALLAH,home has alot of blessing.I love khana kaba.Its last hope of every needy.

Maria Khan
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