O My Heart

(faisal anas, jaipur)

Nothing is going wrong with me. But why I am sad? I don’t know. Sometimes I feel myself too upset without any reason. And badly this is common with me. I just try to be happy so that I try to do positive everything but no one can do whatever he wants but this is also fact that if you try to do something and work hard for it. You’ll get success.
What to do to washout my sadness? Searching for good friends online or offline? Yes that’s good idea. But is there any good person around me? Very tough to say. I tried a lot but this world has been changed. Now, no one talk for other’s success. Why I am saying this? When a person meets someone, he started expecting from him according to his behavior with him. And if he does not get what he expected then he loses his trust and become sad and angry.

Here are two types of persons. One who shares his everything with friends and one who never shares. Who is wrong and who is right is not a matter of discussion. The real thing is that who gets the best friends circle. That is a huge fact which affect anyone’s life. Really friends play major role in anyone’s life. The nature of a person can be measured by his friends’ behaviors. So, if you got a good circle of some nice friends, who are crazy, active, kaminey, serious, open minded, and frank then you are very lucky, but remember one thing. You must keep in your mind every time newton’s law of motion. It means that when one of your friends behave some good with you, he also hopes likewise from your side. If this happens, then you’ll be very happy. But what if your friends and specially one whom you trust most, love most, share with him you every secret most does not keep much attention to you? Or less than your hope or expectation? Or say any other best friend rather you? Can you manage it? Can you tolerate it? I think no. that’s why I live more of time sad and unhappy. But this is big tragedy that I can’t leave him. He is sweet and smart, loved by his colleagues and every related person, so he confuses about his best friendship. But what should I do? Leave him? Let him choose his best friend? Or what else? I cannot solve this. I’ll just try to manage. My heart and tell it that “o my heart! O foolish thing, you are not so good, you’ve no so good thinking and your related face has no attraction, your related body has no beauty, hair has no shining, voice has no music, eyes have no magic and personality you have is without any specialty, so, this is my cordially advice to you that please come to know your reality and stop trying to achieve what is not suitable for you. Because the thing you are hoping to get is 100 times higher than your value” thanks.

(This article was originally posted on my blog )

faisal anas
About the Author: faisal anaswww.facebook.com/mdfaisal58
go through this link to know the poet.
his blog is www.faisalmd.blogspot.com
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