(Ali Haider, Lahore)

A question, (what is love?) is not an easy one to answer specially for a person who never fell in love. But some time I think that it is the question in real for the same person who never had love because it makes him curious to find the reason that why he never had love and hence he would be the one who can answer better than any other who have experienced it. In fact it is very hard to define love not only for a person who never had that experience but also for one who loves some other one. Every person in the world has answer in some different wards but everyone has same feeling for love.

Love is about everywhere around us first of all God love all His creature and it is the reason that He forgives us every time when we truly feel guilty in our mistakes. We all are in love with many people surrounding us a child is in love for his parents, while parents have love for their children. Friends love each other that’s the base of being their friendship for a long time and hence many other relationships. But when we talk about naturally all we assume a love of a couple. It is the one which is not truly bestowed to everyone, just some luckiest are provided with this blessing.

There are two main thoughts for this love some people think that the true love is the one after married and some other says that it is not in that way after getting married.

But I believe that there is nothing to do with being married or unmarried for true love. It is just a boon a blessing by ALLAH. I think to get married without love would be a great risk because one does not know the person to whom he is going to get married if she suites with him or not or a boy is suitable for that girl or not. But it does not mean that one can get a true match for him before married by getting into some affair then the question is that how one can get into the love with someone. The most probable answer again would be the blessing.

Having young blood in our veins and a strong heart inside we all are in hurry to make our life exited of this feeling but, unfortunately we all have to weight for a good fortune when love will knock the door of our heart, we should weight,weight & weight up till.

Ali Haider
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