Civic Education For Youth

(Muhammad Ibtesam Mazahir, Karachi)

Civic education is referred to such type of education which enables the citizens to know about their basic rights and responsibilities. The importance of civic education can be judged in such a way that now; it has become a compulsory and substantial part of western education in which students from the very first class are frequently taught regarding their roles and responsibility as an effective citizens of the country. Thus, this is the main reason that the citizens of western countries are fully acquainted with their moral and social responsibilities for the welfare of the country. More over, they are quite receptive with their own rights being a citizen of a country and in case of any negligence in providing their basic rights from the government they can even inquire for it.

On the other hand people belonging to the third world countries like Pakistan, are totally ignorant towards the concept of civic education, which is the main reason that they are un awared and un familiar, towards their role and responsibilities, being a responsible and active citizen, as well as of their rights too.

As we all know that youth is considered as the back bone of its country and they can play a vital and prominent role in progress and prosperity of their it hence the significance of civic education is usually increased for youths because if these youngsters are well educated, well aware and responsible then they can contribute a vital part in understanding many minor and major issues of the society and play a positive role for the resolution of those issues to some extent but in a country like Pakistan majority of youngsters are not aware with the spirit of civic activism and civic education since such subjects had never been considered to be the part of our curriculum, perhaps the hands of those hidden forces are behind it who don’t want the access of Pakistani citizen towards their “Right to know”. However, in past few years many workshops and conferences were organized by different NGOs where youngsters belonging to different cities of Pakistan were trained regarding different civic issues and their responsibilities and capacities for the rule of law and good governance in country.

Now a day’s Pakistani society is engulfed with different social, cultural, civic and political crisis, even after the independence of 62 years, a large number of people in our country have not their approach towards proper educational and health facilities.

Impatience, violence, extremism, poverty, illiteracy, religious orthodoxy etc. are those major issues which are spoiling the roots of our beloved country, though youth of Pakistan can not eliminate these crisis but they can still full fill their responsibility by being aware and raise their voice against it to some extent from time to time.

Change doesn’t come in one day obviously it takes some time therefore work should be started at a beginner level first, since youths are more courageous and dedicated thats`why their small inspirational efforts in the form of active citizenship, can be resulted in revolutionized change in our society.

Muhammad Ibtesam Mazahir
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