(Taskeen Fatma, New Delhi)
Arthritis is such a painful &
crippling disease that it makes the sufferer condition worse & worse. It starts
with pain,stiffness & swelling in smaller joints such as finger,toe,ankle etc &
spreads upto the big joints such as knee,hip,elbow as well as shoulder joint etc
Types of Arthritis:-
2.Rheumatoid Arthritis
3.Poly Arthritis
4.Reactive Arthritis
8.psoretic arthritis
Stages of Arthritis:
stage-1 : It starts with pain,stiffness & swelling.Morning stiffness is the
normal symptom.
stage-2 : As the time passes & carelessness as well as improper treatment
results in the onset of the 2nd stage in which the pain worsens with the
increase in swelling,loss of synovial fluid,wear & tear of cartilages.
stage-3 : If the problem still persist then it finally enters into the third
stage in which maximum fluid dry up,cartilage either lost or breakdown.This is
the condition of complete immobility and so painful that steriods are
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