Muslims, Christians or Jews.. Where is the DIFFERENCE..?

(Abeer Butt, Rawalpindi)

As per Seerat ul Nabvi (SAW), our prophet (SAW) used to get delighted, whenever he (SAW) used to see Muslims, establishing their prayers, discussing Quran from its understanding/ interpretation prospect, competing in virtues and good deeds from one another, doing favors for fellow brothers, practising best of their moralities...

This implies that the better way to reflect love for our prophet (SAW) from which he (SAW) can be pleased is to conform with his (SAW) likings and refrain from his (SAW) disliking. Today, we come across many Muslims asserting to be TRUE lovers of prophet (SAW), who treat Quran as less worthy than a trifling book and don't consider to get guidance from it, who sell their prayers in return of slumber, ordinary works, watching movies and dramas, shopping, routine activities.. etc and then say we wont forgive any offender of prophet (SAW)...

They do all those things that have been strictly forbidden by prophet (SAW) like cruelty, injustice, proudness, greediness, jealously, lying, backbiting, bribe, flattery, duality, hypocrisy, extravagancy, fraud, abusing, spiting, unblushing, interest...

Considering all this, can claim to be lovers of prophet (SAW) still stand valid ?? Can a person with lying tongue and grudging heart be trusted for his love statements and affirmations..? If "truth" is acknowledged and valued, they don't actually love him (SAW)... then faith comes into question and finally what about Islam without faith..? The faith for which heaven has been promised is being sold so cheap?

There has been many nonbelievers who claim to love prophets... Jews claim to love Hazrat Musa (A.S) the most, believe firmly that being his (A.S) nation, the hell fire cant touch them.. Similarly, Christians claim to love Hazrat Isa (A.S) the most and believe in his salvation.. Muslims creed is getting the same too...

Jews and Christians don't offer prayers, so as Muslims..

Jews and Christians believe in prophets, so as Muslims..

Jews and Christians love the pleasures of the world, so as Muslims..

Jews and Christians are no more afraid of resurrection day, so as Muslims..

So, where is the DIFFERENCE..?

We Muslims have started using the idols of materialistic desires in our worships.. we do believe in Allah Almighty but give preference to personal interests over Allah's ordinations. Which Lord is this who has taught the Muslims to lie, backbite, be dishonest, hurt others' hearts, divide the people, create messes for others,.... and then offer weekly jummah prayer and believe that every wrong deed has been forgiven, claim of prophet's (SAW) love is fulfilled and hence heaven is now justified...which Lord is this..? Can the teachings of Allah who is Rehman, Raheem, Kareem, Wadood, Aziz, Jabbar,... be like this to destruct the mankind and humanity?

We need to think over it and realize, where is the DIFFERENCE....?

Abeer Butt
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