The right path and right way of living

(Abeer Butt, rawalpindi)

Islam is based on “La Ilaha Illalah” meaning there is no God, but Allah Almighty. This is the crux of final revelation that has been repeated several times in the holy Quran. A Muslim is the one who believes in the oneness of Allah Almighty, Muhammad (PBUH) as a last messenger and is expected to obey all His commandments.

As per our prophet Muhammad (PBUH), {Each child is born as a Muslim and then his parents make him a Jew, Christian or a Polytheist. (Sahih Muslim, Book 033, Number 6426)}.

Now lets analyse this hades in the literal sense; as per the holy Quran, {Allah created the man” (Chapter 55 Surah Ar-Rehman, Verse 3)}.

This implies that Allah created all the organs of the human body, i.e. eyes, ears, nose, tongue, brain, heart, lungs, hands, feet, etc. Each organ has been assigned a specific role in the human body by Allah Almighty. The duty of an eye is to see, if it is performing its duty properly, then eye is a Muslim entity in its capacity. Similarly, duty of an ear is to listen, if it is performing its duty properly, then ear is also a Muslim entity in its capacity, and so forth. When each body organ is distinctly a Muslim, then the combination of all these organs surely constitutes a complete Muslim body physically.

Moreover, an infant is innocent and at this stage his senses are not developed enough to think about this world or its pleasures, goods or bads, rights or wrongs, nor he has any authority to take decisions for himself, so he is mentally a Muslim as well, as he is naturally bound to remain within the defined limits by Allah Almighty.

Being an IT professional, I would like to correlate the functioning of a computer system with a human body. A working computer is composed of different hardware and software. Hardware consists of physical parts like keyboard, mouse, LCD, camera, mic, speaker, printer, RAM, CPU, hard disk, etc. while software consists of operating system and other related applications. Similarly a living human body is composed of physical body and his psyche.

Now if any peripheral (hardware) of computer is worn off, it is either physically repaired or physically replaced with the same compatible device; for example, keyboard is replaced with other keyboard, printer with other printer, camera with other camera, and so forth. The repairing/ replacement activity won’t harm software end of the computer. Same goes with human body, if any organ is infected, it is either physically cured or physically transplanted; for example, eye is replaced with other eye, kidney with other kidney, heart with other heart, and so forth. The curing/ transplantation treatment would have nothing to do with the spoiling of human psyche.

The things get relatively sensitive to understand, when we analyse software end of the computer or psyche of the person. Whenever a computer is hit by any malfunction or virus, it is always fixed with other instructions/ other software utilities/ antivirus that may counter/ mitigate the problem. There is no PHYSICAL replacement possible for software problems. Contrary to hardware, the software end is so powerful that it controls all the hardware working like what to do or what not. Even the hardware of excellent quality is considered failed, if the software is not doing what it is supposed to do. Wrong software yields incorrect results from the right hardware and hence makes the entire system useless. The best way to deal software problems is to follow users’ guide of the system.

Similarly, any problem with human psyche can only be cured with discussions/ advices/ negotiations. There is no transplantation treatment available for psyche disorders. The human psyche controls entire body operations and reactions after coordinating with environmental inputs from the senses. It’s the human psyche that tells the body what to see and what not, what to speak and what not, how to behave and how not, and so forth. It is powerful enough that it can drive the human body either in a right or wrong direction, and hence branding him either virtuous or evil for the society. For all the human psyche problems, the ultimate guide from Allah Almighty (in its pure form) is the holy Quran.

Whenever hardware is installed together to form a computer system, some basic instructions can be found on ROM (prewritten from the manufacturer) that are un-editable and are used in the overall installation process. Irrespective of your choice platform (operating system), the ROM remains the same. Similarly, when it comes to human beings, we can find “La Ilaha Illalah” prewritten on each psyche by Allah Almighty.

In the holy Quran, Allah Almighty reminds the oath taken by the entire mankind, {And remember when your Lord brought forth the generations from the backs of the Descendants of Adam, and made them their own witness; “Am I not your Lord?”; they all said, “Yes surely You are, why not? We testify”; for you may say on the Day of Resurrection that, “We were unaware of this.”(Chapter 7 Surah Al Araf, Verse 172)}.

Irrespective of any human beliefs, this prewritten “La Ilaha Illalah” allows us to explore and learn any knowledge of the world (just like installing other software applications), but at the same time keeps prompting us internally to search and recognize our Lord. That’s the reason there is so much disparity in the beliefs, some worship stones, some worship sun, moon and stars, some worship other creatures and so forth. The ultimate objective is to respect God somehow, through blind following of their ancestors.

Right after verse 172 of Chapter 7 Surah Al-Araf, Allah rules out the possible excuse of people, i.e. {Or you may say, “It is our ancestors who first ascribed partners (to Allah) and we were (their) children after them; so will You destroy us on account of the deeds of the followers of falsehood?”(Chapter 7 Surah Al Araf, Verse 173)}

This indicates that Allah is shaking the mankind to recognize and worship the real Lord, and don’t plunge into the false beliefs by following your ancestors blindly. Each soul has given the declaration of God’s recognition on individual basis, and hence worshiping idols by any means is simply unjustified. Now it should be our utmost duty to follow and worship only the real God (the Allah Almighty).

Moreover, when any software is designed, special consideration is made on all possible moves by the user, and for each move there is a specific way to deal it. This is to ensure smooth working of the system in the required environment. For instance, lets take the example of an ATM machine software. If a user enters the correct password, he/she can operate his/her account, but if the wrong pin is entered three consecutive times, the ATM card will be blocked. The reason behind is to safeguard user’s account from possible theft attempt. To reactivate the blocked ATM card, user will have to follow a certain procedure as laid by the respective service provider.

Now if you deliberately enter the wrong password three consecutive times, your ATM card will be blocked for sure. You cannot blame the bank for blocking your service, since you did not follow the proper procedure of using the ATM card. Similarly, when it comes to Allah’s instructions/ commandments, there is a wisdom associated with each and every act. It should be our firm belief that it is solely in our betterment to obey them with respect. Disobeying any directive will certainly lead us to a certain trouble, which is in fact a gentle realization of self-correction.

Today we are not ashamed of leaving our prayers, fasts, zakat, hajj, worshiping idols (wealth, fame, authority, wishful desires), getting interests/ riba from banks, disobeying & disrespecting parents, speaking lies, listening music, abusing & backbiting others, taunting & cheating others, being shameless, being cruel & unjust, confiscating others’ rights, and so forth, in short transgressing any limits as set by our creator. Consequently, we have to confront strong retaliation from the nature in the form of uncountable afflictions all around. Even then we don’t bother to correct our way of living, as drafted by the creator of this universe, instead like to remain stick up with our freewill. It is same as keep trying to use your ATM card with the wrong pin and then accuse the service provider for blocking your banking services.

We must not forget while doing any act that,

{WHATSOEVER IS IN the heavens and the earth sings the praises of God. He is all-mighty and all-wise. His is the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, He is the giver of life and death, and He has power over everything. He is the first and He the last, the transcendent and the immanent; and He has knowledge of everything. (Chapter 57 Surah Al Hadid, Verses 1-3)}.

May Allah guides all of us onto the right path and gives us the wisdom to follow right way of living, which is non-other, but Quran & Sunnah.. Ameen.

Jazak Allah khair..

Abeer Butt
About the Author: Abeer Butt Read More Articles by Abeer Butt: 2 Articles with 1073 viewsCurrently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.