(Muhammad Zulqarnain, Wah Cantt)

“Education can be dangerous. It is very difficult to make it not dangerous”.
[Robert Hutchins]

Political Leaders play an important role in the development and disaster of any country. Policy makers are almost highly educated people of their country. They are appointed to serve the country in a better way. They make such policies that can build up their countries.

Judges are known as men of wisdom. They provide justice to the public in order to maintain the peace of society. Most important of all, judges are impartial decision-makers in the pursuit of justice.

Lawyers are the helping hands of the judiciary. They make their efforts to reach to the root cause of an issue. They come with solid arguments to prove the truth and to false the lie.

Doctors are the most honorable personalities of a society because they save lives, while also improving the quality of people's lives. They are well qualified along with long hands in their field.

Army officers are real asset of any nation who fight with the enemies to protect their motherland. They sacrifice their lives for the safety of their citizens. They are highly devoted and loyal to their country.

Anchors and analysts are important personalities of a country who expose the false and convey truth to the public. They analyze things with the help of their education and experience and give their opinions on different issues.

The above mentioned people are highly educated people of any society. They are appointed on higher posts. But the amazing fact is that these highly educated people do corruption. Look at political leaders; they fill their accounts with the earning of the public. They have been doing corruption for years and years and after all they get a certificate of innocence from our courts. Our anchors, they are doing jihad by mixing the truth with false, they in their own eyes, doing an act of worship by discussing the rubbish things. Our doctors take huge amounts from the patients. They play with the lives of the people. They don’t care that someone is serious and can die. They don’t treat even serious patients until the patients arrange their fees. Our judiciary is providing justice to the people in a way that our judges make wrong decisions by taking bribery. Our lawyers are expert to prove the truth as false and false as truth. Remember the war of Cargill, partition of Bengal and event of Lal Masjid. These sacred acts is done by our army officers. They misuse the power of their uniform and only understand the language of gun.

One thing is common in all these people, that all of them are well qualified and well educated. The cause behind their wrong activities and corruption is the education that they had received. Now you can easily conclude that it is our educational system which is producing such type of people, who are corrupt, selfish, disloyal, immoral and unfaithful to their country as well as their nation.

They got education but they did not get “Right type of education”. For education, it is necessary to be in right direction. Only the right type of education would be useful and beneficial for the mankind. If the care is not taken in the education it may become dangerous and may produce harmful effect as well. Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah particularly emphasized on the right type of education. He said that “you know that the importance of education and the right type of education cannot be over emphasized”.

Dr. Waqar UN Nisa Fiazi, a well renowned educationist, emphasizes upon the right type of education in a very tremendous way. She differentiates the education from instructions by saying that education is a complete growth of a man, whereas instructions may refer to learn some expertise to do a task efficiently. She further clears the concept that “A man can be great general, an efficient carpenter or a first class painter, a lawyer, a mechanic or a pathologist, a renowned doctor, a chemical engineer or a chartered accountant, but still remains a semi-educated ill-mannered, immoral or unrighteous man. Similarly a man be a fine painter, a good poet, or his love of beauty may be highly delicate and sensitive, but he may be, at the same time, be cruel or un-truthful, unsocial individuals. He could be highly selfish and deliberately ignore his duty towards his neighbors or even towards his family. We can see that people who have specialized in certain educational fields are well-instructed persons but we cannot necessarily regard them as truly educated. On the other hand, a man who knows and performs his duty towards himself, his family, his neighbors and humanity and at the same time has acquired a basic knowledge about how can he earn his livelihood honestly and live a better life, should be called an educated individual. He may not have specialized in a particular field of knowledge but lake of expertise does not prevent him from being recognized as a good man”. Ref:(THE REFLECTION OF ISLAMIC VALUES IN THE COMPULSORY SUBJECTS OF SOCIAL SCIENCES AT SECONDARY (IX-X) LEVEL IN KARACHI)

The problem with our education system is that we are only focusing on the materialistic aspects. We entirely ignored the spiritual and ethical values in educating our children. The compulsory results of these teachings are that our children become selfish, disloyal, immoral and corrupt. They always look on profit and loss other than good and evil. They are only interested to earn whether it is permissible or not. In keeping view these lines it can rightly be said that the thing which we call the education today it should be called techniques of corruption.

If we want to make our educational system good, we must focus on the “Fear of Allah Almighty” in our course contents. We have to teach our students in a way that they believe that Allah is observing their activities all the times. Our judges should be trained in such atmosphere, that after studying the jurisprudence, they could make the decisions without any lust. The political leaders should be taught in such a way that they could never think about corruption and work for the betterment of their country. Analysts and anchors should be educated in an environment that they don’t fear of anyone and have courage to tell the realities. Public should be educated in such a way that they wish to die but never think to earn impermissible. Doctors should be given practice in a way that they have a spirit to treat the patient free of cost.

This structure of educating the people is an Islamic educational system. If these measures will be taken, the education will become beneficial and then it can be called education. Dr Waqar UN Nisa Fiazi elaborates the qualities of Muslim student that

A student who receives Islamic education at all levels grows up peace loving, harmonious, equable and righteous with faith and trust in God's infinite mercy and his invincible justice, and lives in harmony and not conflict with nature”.

Dr Muhammad Zulqarnain
About the Author: Dr Muhammad Zulqarnain Read More Articles by Dr Muhammad Zulqarnain: 5 Articles with 19764 views PhD in Creed & Philosophy.. View More