Development Of Creative Thinking In Pakistan

(sabeeha kausar(arzoo), soon valley)

Basic purpose of education is transmission of knowledge. Education may be conservative or revolutionary it depends on method of transmission of knowledge. If it transmits already discovered knowledge it is conservative but it becomes revolutionary if it transmits knowledge that can meet the needs of ever changing challenges of mankind. In our country education provided to the youth is conservative whereas our country situation needs revolutionists. In order to generate revolutionists, we need to change our attitude from conservative to creative thinking in education.

One of the most of the charges against our education system is that it discourages the independent thinking and suppresses the creative ability of students. Every student has an inborn creative ability and education nourishes it. Some people believe that creativity can’t be taught at schools. Although creativity is innate gift but it needs practice, encouragement and intuition in order to avail this God blessed gift in a meaningful way. And these things are only possible at educating institutes. According to Sir Eric Rabkin, (an English professor at University of Michigan) says,
“Creativity can be taught but it can’t be taught equally effectively to everyone.”

Teaching should be a journey of discoveries rather than transmitting information. In our country, teachers are neither transmitting knowledge in its true sense nor nourishing the innate creative abilities of students. They are doing their duties just as formalities and their basic aim is to earn their livelihood. Here students are taken as empty pots to be filled with facts, theorems and formulae instead of harnessing their creative abilities.

The concept of creative thinking is puzzling and conflicting in Pakistan since its educational system includes both Islamic values and ongoing effect of British colonialism. It is important to mention here that Pakistanis are creative nation. Pakistanis have well known heritage in creativity like Allama Iqbal, Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan, Khursheed Anwar, Bapsi Sidwa, Faiz Ahmad Faiz, sadqain, chughtai and many more. Pakistan has pool of creativity as its 85 million of total population is youth and youth has creative minds. Question arises then why creative thinking is being neglected in Pakistan? According to a researcher Mustafa,
“Pakistani schools lack creative activities which can stimulate imagination and help to process information and interpret events.”

Few other factors which cause neglection of creativity at Pakistani schools are; large sizes classes, lack of resources, untrained teachers, fixed syllabus and external examination bodies.

Development of creative thinking depends on system of education, institutions environments, teaching method and most importantly interest of student and society behavior. A teacher plays key role in this proceeding.

Education systems established so far in our country failed to meet the needs of creative thinking. If we want change in our country we need to develop habit of creative thinking in our students. For this purpose such education system should be established that impart education in its true sense rather than imparting information to the students or filling the empty pots with facts and must be capable of furnishing pupils inborn creative abilities. And it must have capability to produce discoverer instead of position holders or professionals with excellent grades.

Another major problem that demolishes the creative thinking in student is fixed syllabus. Syllabus must be revised according to need of time. There should be self test activities related to syllabus as these enhance the habit of creative thinking in students.

Student behaviors and their school of thought are largely affected by institutions environment. Creative environment enhances the student interest and provide them chance to utilize their creative abilities. Creative environment should be maintained in all institutes as it makes the students habitual of creative thinking. Only creative environment can harness and promote creative thinking and problem solving approach among the students and generate professionals with leading vision. And it must arrange creative activities that enhance imagination and creativity. While performing creative activities, students learn team work, mutual co-operation and these also enhance the social interaction among students.

Teaching method should be capable of guiding the students towards creative thinking instead of bookish learning. To harness the pool of creativity available in youth of Pakistan, the teaching method should be shifted from bookish learning to experimental learning that will expose the students to practical problems and train them to design effective solutions through pro-activeness and creativity. And in this way an institute can play a positive analytical role in community welfare and development. Well trained teachers should be employed who have leading vision because teachers with conservative minds could not produce discoverer or revolutionist.

If someone starts a small business after qualifying special degree, our society discourages it instead of encouraging and starts arguing about joblessness present around in our country. In this way we demolish the creative abilities of such students. We want change in our country but eternally we are against it. In this fast going time only change is constant. And change is only possible by harnessing the creativity of our youth. We thought this little business is nothing but in fact these little efforts are driving forces behind the change and ultimately development. We should appreciate the resolve of these people if they do something by themselves. We are habitual of spoon feeding and we want our new generation to be spoon feeders instead of appreciating their creative works. We need to change our attitude towards our youth. Our government must establish such a system of education that fulfill the demands of today and lead our country towards development instead of crisis and crimes. Vocational centers should be established in different areas specially, in far off areas of our country. Provision of technical education should be ensured as technical education enhances the habit of creative thinking. And the students after getting short term diplomas in computer courses, painting, embroidery etc will be able to earn their livelihood and will play important role in economy of country also. Crimes level can be decreased by this strategy. In short, creativity is the key to the education in its true sense and to the major social and economical problems we are facing today in way of development.

sabeeha kausar(arzoo)
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