Useful Tips about Essay Writing

(Nasir Memon, Karachi)

The essay occupies a prominent place in all examinations where the object is to assess the student’s ability in composition. It is an excellent means of “training of judgment in the power of selecting the best and most suitable information on any given subject”. An essay can be written on an infinite variety of subjects but the point to bear in mind is that it should be written well. We should be clear about the ideas we wish to express and the manner in which we plan to set forth and arrange them.

Essay may be classified in a number of ways but generally they are narrative, descriptive, literary or abstract. May be asked to narrate a historical event or tell a story; to describe a country or a building; to reflect upon some habit or quantity; to argue upon a proposition of elaborate a saying. For all these and many more the you should be prepared.

Students mostly fight shy of writing an essay. In fact, they find the whole business utterly irksome. The writing of an essay, however, need not be unpleasant a task. A little reading, a little practice and a little familiarity with the rules of the game can go a long way in dispelling doubts and allaying ill-founded fears. A habit of read good literature is a great aid in writing. It must be cultivated, for educational gain is immeasurable. Ideas garnered from fast read lend charm to an essay and make the whole exercise worthwhile.

How do we set about writing an essay? We should choose subject about which we know most and on which we can write most. Then we should make an outline, for an outline is an important to an essayist as a blue print is to an architect. The two most important parts of an essay are the beginning and the end. The beginning must be striking and an appropriate quotation could be one pleasing way of creating the right effect. Stilted or stereotyped openings lack euphony and should be avoided. Similarly, much emphasis should be laid on the way we close our essay. It should form a kind of climax, a summing up in a few vigorous sentences. After completing the essay, the student should go over his effort once again to detect mistakes or grammar or faulty style which he may have overlooked in the first instance.

Some Important Topics

* Road Accidents
* Smoking and its Evil Effects
* Education-its meaning and Purpose
* Our Examination system
* Medium of Instruction
* Role of Mass Media in Society
* Power of the Press
* Science in the Service of Man
* Pollution
* Honesty
* Independence
* How to Make our Country Strong
* The Crisis of Energy in Pakistan
* Indiscipline in our Educational Institutions
* The United Nations
* Working Women
* Eradiation of Social Evils
* The Problem of World Peace
* Is Democracy a Failure
* Should Students Take Part in Politics?
* The Place of Women in Our Society
* Population Planning
* A Model Citizen
* Social Reforms in Pakistan
* Discipline
* Patriotism
* Sportsmanship
* The Problem of Population

Nasir Memon
About the Author: Nasir Memon Read More Articles by Nasir Memon: 103 Articles with 198699 views I am working in IT Department of DawateIslami, Faizan-e-Madina, Babul Madinah, Karachi in the capacity of Project Lead... View More