Competencies of a Magazine Editor

(Sahar Riaz, Rawalpindi)

Magazine editor:
A magazine editor is someone who writes articles about things the magazine readers want to read about. Editors also “edit” or make corrections to other people’s articles and put those articles in the magazine. That’s because sometimes the people writing the article know a lot about the subject, but they need a little help with their sentences and spelling. The editor makes the articles better by fixing the sentences and spelling, so they are more fun and easy to read.

The work of magazine editor:
A magazine editor oversees the completion of each issue of the publication so that it fits in with the magazine's editorial vision. The higher up the editor's position, the more say he or she has in selecting and developing the magazine's voice and focus. The types and number of editors that work for a magazine vary depending on the kind and size of the publication. Generally, there are contributing, associate and managing editors as well as an editor in chief who must all work toward the same goal of creating quality issues of the magazine.

Editor in chief: Larger magazines are especially likely to have an editor in chief. This type of magazine editor is the most senior of editors. He or she has the deciding say in what the readers of the magazine will read about in each issue. An editor in chief may work for different magazines owned by one publisher and may spend a lot of job time in different locations. Many magazines have a page near the front of the magazine that is written by the editor in chief. This page usually gives an overview of what is contained in the issue as well as the inspirations or trends that inspired the issue's content. The editor in chief doesn't usually do any actual writing for the magazine beyond the editorial page. Much of his or her work time is spent developing ideas for the magazine to delegate to a managing editor.

Competency of an editor:
Good writing skills:
Editor must be skilled in spelling, sentence writing, paragraph writing, organization of sentences and words.

Reading about what’s in the news:
He must know the important issues, event, topic and trends prevalent in the society so that he can write multiple articles and stories in a magazine.

Reading about anything and everything:
He must be having the habit of reading stuff from different sources e-g books, newspapers, articles and online information to generate news ideas.
Doing a lot of research and fact-finding:
Every article or story has a ‘value’. This could be social, political, historical, philosophical, artistic or of some other kind. The amount of research an editor puts in is directly related to the ‘value’ of the magazine story.

The editor asks a lot of questions on the phone and in person to write a story or to make a good piece magazine.

Several stories:
Working on several stories at one time, not just one

Meeting deadlines:
It means getting things done on time.

Composing Pictures:
The editor finds interesting pictures to go with the articles.

Computer skills:
The editor must possess computer skills for typing and research.

Working for a shorter period:
Magazines come out, usually, on a weekly or monthly basis, so editors at magazines work on more stories in a shorter period of time. Magazine editors are also more involved in coming up with story ideas and shaping specific sections of their magazine.

Education and Training:
A high level of education is required to become a magazine editor. One may acquire a degree or diploma in the field of Literature to make a sound career as a magazine editor. Hold on the language and good editing skills undoubtedly go a long way in securing a career. It is advised that one should enroll oneself into classes of writing, journalism, editing and related fields, before making a foray into the editing world.

One needs to have a considerable experience before taking on the responsibilities of an editor. For this, start as a journalist or writer before venturing into this field.

Understanding the Challenges of the Job:
The responsibilities of a magazine editor includes planning, coordinating, directing and overseeing all content that is being published in the magazine or the journal. It also involves determining the theme of each issue, deciding on graphics, advertisements and layout, organizing and arranging interviews and research, hiring writers, photographers, editors, and other people, amongst others.

Generating ideas:
It is the creative process of generating, developing, and communicating new ideas, where an idea is understood as a basic element of thought that can be either visual, concrete, or abstract.

Commissioning work by freelance writers:
Editors have the power to carry out work by freelancers; who is self-employed and is not committed for a longer period. Editor must look at the payment as freelancers may charge by the day, hour, a piece rate, or on a per-project basis.

Liaising with artists and photographers:
The editor must be skilled in co-operating and working together with artists and photographs to compose an article with appropriate pictures and drawings.

Sahar Riaz
About the Author: Sahar Riaz Read More Articles by Sahar Riaz: 32 Articles with 66477 views Being a professional designer and animator, I have completed my studies in designing i-e graphic designing, web designing and animation. Specializatio.. View More