Development support communication

(Sahar Riaz, Rawalpindi)

Development support communication is a process of information sharing about development agendas and planned actions. Development is a process in which societal conditions are improved.

It involves:
1. Planner: The one who plans the development agenda. DSC makes planners to provide clear, clear and intelligible data and information about their goals and roles in development.
2. Recipient: The one who receives the development agenda and on which the impact of any developmental plan is found. DSC clearly provides opportunities for beneficiaries (recipients) to participate in shaping development outcomes.
3. Implementer of development action, including the donor community, to implement the plan devised for a particular area. DSC ensures that the donor community is kept constantly aware of the achievements and constraints of development efforts in the field.

Communication for development stresses the need to support two-way communication systems that enable dialogue and that allow communities to speak out, express their aspirations and concerns and participate in the decisions that relate to their development.
Communication for development provides a framework through which the most appropriate actions can be taken to improve the societal conditions.
Development Support Communication makes use of all available structures and means of information sharing. Therefore it is not limited to mass media alone. It also uses both formal group and non-formal channels of communication, such as women’s and youth associations, as well as places where people gather.... markets, churches, festivals, and meetings.
1. But its contribution is in using these in a systemic, continuous, coordinated and planned manner, to ink everyone, anywhere.
2. It requires analysis of the communication environment, of the available and needed communication competencies and resources (hardware, software, financial and human).
3. It clearly indicates expected results from specific resource inputs, so as to maintain accountability.

Tools for development communication:
Knowledge and information are two key ingredients required to facilitate development and bring about social and economic change. Traditional media, print, radio and TV have played a major role in disseminating information to people so far. But, the recent evolution of communication technologies including digital tools, convergence of computers, satellite and telecommunication technologies, have changed the mode of information dissemination and knowledge exchanged.

The new terminology for communication media is called ICT (Information Communication Technologies). It is often used as an extended synonym for information technology (IT). In other words, ICT consists of IT as well as telecommunication, broadcast media, all types of audio and video processing and transmission and network based control and monitoring functions.

Development support communication is the use of valuable technology for communication process to foster and strengthen sustainable development at local and national levels. It is needed for the programs of
1. Social change
2. Development
3. Economic change
4. Cultural promotion
5. Devising development policy and strategy

Sahar Riaz
About the Author: Sahar Riaz Read More Articles by Sahar Riaz: 32 Articles with 66431 views Being a professional designer and animator, I have completed my studies in designing i-e graphic designing, web designing and animation. Specializatio.. View More