Inventions in our surrounding.

(Malaika Mirza, Karachi)

Literally,inventions means to make something new. Our today's life is become easier and different from oldest life only because of these inventions. To cover up the journey of hours into minutes, to communicate from our friends and relatives living in foriegn countries or living far from us just like they were sitting infront of us was just a dream of the people of old age but, now because of these inventions it has become a part of our life. There are many inventions in our surroundings. Cars, machineries, means of communication like radio, telephone etc, hair comb were all included in inventions.

From the invention of wheel till computer, the hardwork and achievements of inventors are continued. Many of the inventions are done from last hundred years. The very chain of inventions are continued till today and until and unless it will being continued till human's sense of thinking and experiencing will be better. God has gifted us such sense of thinking and understanding so that we could take benefits of the blessings which god has gifted us to make our live easier.

Islam has determines the minds of Muslims to increase there understanding level. In every part of Quran god has gives us message to understand and think about our nature. This is the only reason behind that Muslims had determines themselves to attain knowledge. Muslims had traveled many places and suffered from many difficulties to achieve such goal. Many of the muslim caliphs and kings were famous only because of their knowledge friendship. They collect their scholars and scientists in their palace to share knowledge and ideas. This is the only reason behind that Europe and many other continents of the world were at the depth of darkness of illiteracy and muslim scientists were experiencing many more experiments, they also wrote many books on their experiences and experiments.

Before muslims, Europeans had captured knowledge of science. There is only one difference in between Muslims and Europeans that muslims cannot put that experiments on the level of law until thay can experience that experiments and on its opposite side European did not experience their experiment before giving it the name of law. For example, they believe that heavy ice berg fall faster than the light one but, this was only their obsevation not experience. Then Gellelio gellele proved it wrong by experiencing it.

At that time, word scientist is not used but, they call HAKIM to every that
person whom is literate like a scholar. They were expert in following subjects, knowledge of invisible things, knowledge of chemicals, knowledge of body parts, mathematics, biology, medicines etc. They spend their all time in getting more information and in helping people and for that purpose they established many books for next generation. They were very famous in their society by their inventions and their population is all about thousands. European authors talk about hundred of muslim scientists where ibn sina, razi, zahravi, hafiz, khwarizmi, umar khayam, alberoni etc were included. America's famous university "mesa chostis institute of technology " has the name of ten famous chemicalists including jabir bin hayan on the wall of their building . Along with that on another wall their are ten names of pharmacists including ibn al haisham.

Thousands of books were written by these scientists. One lac twenty five thousand of books are only found at istanbul (turkey)'s library. People living in Europe built Darul tarajum to translate those books and that is how those books reached to Europe and that determines their minds to also attain knowledge of science through Muslims. This proves that Muslims put the base of development of science. Let us discuss and share about some muslim scientists and their inventions.

Hydro chloric acid (acid of salt), naitric acid and sailfioric acid were inventes by Jabir bin hayan which is known as underground acids. Before him world is only familiar with plants acids like, lemon acid (citric acid). List of his inventions is un stoppable, he invented a mixture to protect iron from rusting, to colour the leather he invent a cloth and to make cloth water proof he invent a varnish. He invent a shine of gold water through which cover of many high level books such as Quran was decorated. He also wrote many books on chemical experiments. One of the book was named as kitab al mawazin which was translated in english and also published in Europe.

The inventions of ibn al haisham was also nonstop. He was expert in knowledge of light and discover law of reflection and refraction. He also discover that light travels in straight line and rays of light is faster than the rays of sound. From thousands of years, people believe that rays of light was produced by eyes so that everything was visible to us but al haisham experienced that rays of light enters in our eyes from outside so that our eyes pupils frame a picture in our minds. Because of these discoveries Europe had named him as" babaye basriat". The name of his book was "kitab al manzir" which is studied by many students studying in Europe's university.

In a car, infront of driver's seat there is a screen made up of glass to protect driver from wind and rain is known as wind screen. When that glass will become misty because of rain, wind or fog, driver cannot be able to see his/her way and as a result an accident takes place. To clear that wind screen there are two long sticks made of steel and rubber which is known as wiper. In 1902, Mary anderson, the citizen of America was travelling in her car towards New York, and suddenly rain started. At that time, in such situation, driver has to clean there wind screen by there own, same happens to Mary and because of that she become ill and had to suffered from cold.

When she reached to her home, she thought a lot about a plan through which a driver can easily clear his/her wind screen without coming out from the car. She make a draft and when she was fully satisfied with that plan she went to a steel maker and asked him to make two wipers and placed it outside her car which's handle was inside and in control of her. Driver can easily now move the handle to make their wind screen visible and clear. Then she approved her invention by governmemt so that nobody can sell that without her permission. Within some years these wipers were sold in whole country. These were also added with batteries means now it will also be able to work with batteries.

This is all, which happens in history related to inventions.

Malaika Mirza
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