25th December 2017 marks the 141th birth anniversary of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad
Ali Jinnah (R.A), Founder of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
In this write up, we will discover the prominent achievements, world’s opinion,
and message of Quaid-e-Azam in detail.
Quaid e Azam is best described by Professor Stanley Wolpret in his book ‘Jinnah
of Pakistan’ as: “Few individuals significantly alter the course of history.
Fewer still modify the map of the world. Hardly anyone can be credited with
creating a nation-state. Muhammad Ali Jinnah did all three.” Quaid e Azam
Muhammad Ali Jinnah (1876 - 1948) was an ardent supporter and a strong proponent
of a separate state for Muslims of the sub-continent based on Islamic values and
The able leadership and struggle of Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah,
culminating in the creation of Pakistan on 14th August 1947 as an independent
Islamic republic, brought unprecedented vitality to the Muslims of the
sub-continent producing in its wake an Islamic renaissance and Islamic idealism.
Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s pre-occupation with political issues left him little time
to devote himself to writing; but his speeches and sayings have been compiled by
his staff and admirers into a series of volumes. Most of his speeches and
reflections are all permeated with the need to establish an Islamic Republic for
the 100 million Muslims of British India.
Muhammad Ali Jinnah firmly believed in Islam as a ‘dynamic religion and a way of
life’. “The discipline of the Ramadan fasting and prayers will culminate today
in an immortal meekness of the heart before God”, he said in a broadcast speech
on Eid day, “but it shall not be the meekness of a week heart, and they who
would think so are doing wrong both to God and to the Prophet. For it is the
outstanding paradox of all religions that the humble shall be the strong, and it
is of particular significance in the case of Islam. For Islam, as you all know,
really means action. This discipline of Ramadan was designed by our Prophet to
give us the necessary strength for action.”
Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s passion for Islam had a long lasting impact
on the minds and souls of the 100 million Muslims struggling for a separate
Muslim state, turning their intellectual activities towards tackling traditional
Islamic ideals in terms of modern standards and requirements. Religion for
Muhammad Ali Jinnah implied not only as a duty towards God but also as a duty to
Mankind. “Man has indeed been called God’s caliph in the Quran, and if that
description of man is to be of any significance, it imposes upon us a duty to
follow Quran, to behave towards others as God behaves towards his mankind, in
the widest sense of word, His duty is to love and to forebear. If we have any
faith and love for tolerance towards God’s creations, to whatever community they
belong, we much act upon that faith in daily round of our simple duties and
unobtrusive pieties. It is a great ideal and it will demand effort and
sacrifice. Seldom will your minds be assailed by doubts. There will be conflicts
not only material, which you perhaps will be able to resolve with courage, but
spiritual also. We shall have to face them and if today, when our hearts are
humble we do not imbibe that higher courage to do so, we never shall.” At the
inaugural session of Jamiat Ulema Islam in Calcutta in November, 1945, Maulana
Ghulam Murshid, Imam of Badshahi Mosque, Lahore, met with Quaid e Azam and
received a definite assurance from him that the injunctions of the Holy Quran
alone would be the basis of law in the Muslim state. In a letter to Pir Sahib of
Manki Sharif in November 1945, Quaid e Azam said, “it is needless to emphasize
that the Constituent Assembly which would be pre-dominantly Muslim in its
composition, would be able to enact laws for Muslims, not inconsistent with the
Shariah laws, and the Muslims will no longer be obliged to abide by the un
Islamic laws.” In a public meeting with Maulana Shabbir Ahmad Usmani in June
1947, the Quaid vehemently assured that an Islamic constitution would be
implemented in Pakistan. Speaking on a reform scheme at Sibbi Darbar on 4th
February 1948, Quaid e Azam proclaimed: “In proposing this scheme, I have had
one underlying principle in mind, the principle of Muslim democracy. It is my
belief that our salvation lies in following the golden rule of conduct set for
us by our great law-giver the Prophet of Islam. Let us lay the foundations of
our democracy on the basis of truly Islamic ideals and principles”. In a
broadcast talk to the people of Australia, in February 1948, the Quaid spoke of
the Islamic characteristics of Pakistani society in these words:
“The great majority of us are Muslims. We follow the teachings of the Prophet
Muhammad (SAW). We are members of the brotherhood of Islam in which all are
equal in rights, dignity and self respect. Not only are most of us Muslims but
we have our own history, customs and traditions and those ways of thought,
outlook and instinct who go to make up a sense of nationality.” In a radio
broadcast to the people of the United States of America in February 1948, he
spoke of Islamic system of government to be adopted in Pakistan. “The
constitution of Pakistan has yet to be framed by the Pakistan Constituent
Assembly. I do not know what the ultimate shape of this constitution is going to
be, but I am sure that it will be of a democratic type, embodying the essential
principles of Islam.
Today they are as applicable in actual life as they were 1,300 years ago. Islam
and its idealism have taught us democracy. It has taught equality of man,
justice and taught us democracy. It has taught equality of man, justice and fair
play to everybody. We are the inheritors of these glorious traditions and are
fully alive to our responsibilities and obligations as framers of the future
constitution of Pakistan”. Whenever Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah got an
opportunity to speak on Islam, he advocated a rational approach. “In the pursuit
of truth and the cultivation of beliefs,” he said, “we should be guided by our
rational interpretation of the Quran, and if our devotion to truth is
single-minded, we shall, in our own measure, achieve our goal. In the
translation of this truth into practice, however, we shall be content with so
much, as so much only, as we can achieve without encroaching on the rights of
others, while at the same time not ceasing our efforts always to achieve more.
“In another context, the great Quaid remarked: “The test of greatness is not the
culture of stone and pillar and pomp but the culture of humanity, the culture of
equality. Only a man who is dead to all the finer instincts of humility and
civilization can call a religion based on exploitation a heritage.” Muhammad Ali
Jinnah was out spoken in his condemnation of reactionary elements which generate
negative tendencies. Dealing with the contribution of Pakistan movement towards
eradication of fundamentalism, the great Quaid said: “We have to, a great
extent, free our people from the most undesirable reactionary elements. We have
in no small degree removed the unwholesome influence and fear of a certain
section that used to pass off as Islamic fundamentalists”. The great Quaid
Muhammad Ali Jinnah championed the cause of womanhood, advocating for women an
equal share with men in social and national life as per the Islamic teachings.
“In the great task of building the nation and maintaining its solidarity, women
have a most valuable part to play. They are prime architects of the character of
the youth who constitute the backbone of the state. I know that in the long
struggle for achievement of Pakistan, Muslim women have stood solidly behind
their men. In the bigger struggle for the building up of Pakistan that now lies
ahead let it not be said that the women of Pakistan had lagged behind or failed
in their duty.” Like a true Muslim, the great Quaid was incorruptible. The Last
British Viceroy, Lord Mountbatten rightfully admitted when he said: “I tried
every trick I could play to shake Jinnah’s resolve. Nothing would move him from
his consuming determination to realize the dream of Pakistan.” QUAID E AZAM
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