Women worth: Life time struggle

(Rekha Khatri, Karachi)

“My strength did not come from lifting weight. My strength come from lifting myself up when I was knocked down”, said Bob Moore.

This statement shows complete picture of real women. Every time women are called worthless but the more they are degraded they more they struggle to prove their selves. Here we will take example of Asian women because they have proved their selves complete women. Let’s begin with their journey of life how they come in the word, which problems they face in the society and come up with great solutions.

It’s her first day in the world and every surrounding her seems not so happy so that she is also crying but slowly she has learned how to smile and at this stage she know that she will face many problem like this many even more than this but she should not cry she have to fight against it with smile so she started smiling.

Life passed a bit suddenly she got the news that she is big girl now yes 12 is too big for our society she was very happy in her life and with her family and then questions aroused, does your daughter go out alone? Oh God does she study in Co-education? The society is so bad we should not allow out girls to study. After all these questions she was bit upset but she quit and continues with her life.

Now she is to mature to take her decisions. She is 23 now and she wanted to achieve her identity in society and she wanted to get fame and name. When she came out of home to acquire all these things, the society saw her in dirty eyes and she also faced so many problems sometime she was teased by boys, sometime she was sexually harassed and sometimes she was the part of people’s dirty jokes. But again she struggled for herself and faced these all problem with strength and achieved everything.

Now time to get married. Not said the girl said the society. It can be denied that marriage is part of life and she have to get married. But does marriage means to give birth to children or only keeping herself in the house and upbringing her children. And the time came when she gets married but it was again the biggest blast on her. At time of marriage her parents were asked for the dowry and they gave. But the dowry is to be known as death certificate of women but she proved it wrong. When she came at her in-laws. Now everyday they have new demand with her and whenever she rejected that demand she was beaten up by their in-laws but this was the limit now she raised her voice for her rights and she once again came with huge strength and gave new identity to herself. This is called women and can never be worthless.
‘’Never try to challenge women she is winner by birth’’

Rekha Khatri
About the Author: Rekha Khatri Currently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.