Women a sign of integrity

(fadia asif, Islamabad)

A woman plays a very significant role towards the development of our country. But, in our society, women are deprived of their rights and respect. In today’s world, women are treated like prisoners. We are living in 20th century (liberal century), still the of illiteracy is high. Women are being torture by their husband, by the society and by their family. In some cities, acid is being fling on their faces and the same is happening in the other cities too. Women cannot even raise her voice for these issues just because she knew that she’ll be disgraced.

In undeveloped countries like Pakistan this problem is high. Why Pakistan is not progressing? According to me the answer to this question is simple that we are living in a male dominating society , we do not consider the rights of women. A country cannot move forward where women are deprived of their rights, they are being treated badly and disgraced. About 55% to 60% of the total population of Pakistan consists of women. How can a nation progress if there more than half of population is disrespected? According to Jinnah, there is a woman behind every successful man. If we go through the history, we will know that it is a fact. There was Fatima Jinnah behind Jinnah. This shows that women are not less than anyone.
“No nation can rise to the height of glory, unless women are side by side
With you.”

So, it is necessary to give women their rights. Women should be given respect in every field of life weather it is medical, politics, law and media. We are the victims of evil customs. It is a crime to shut up women with in the four walls of houses.

Let us try to raise the status of women according to the Islamic ideas and standards. There is no sanction anywhere for the deplorable conditions in which our women have to live. We should take the women along with us in every part of live. Women have the power to bring up new generation and taught them the right path. Let us not ignore this asset. She has the future of the country in her hands. She is a daughter, a sister and a wife. Therefore, they are the respect of every other man and it is the responsibility of every man of the community to show respect towards them.

She is a role model for our country. By role model we do not mean as classic female role model that they should not set out to be granted and attain titles. They should be embraced to achieve their greatness .They are the struggling potentials. They must lead a freedom free life without any discrimination.

At the end, I will say that I feel sorry for all women of Pakistan who are being disrespected. As we all know they are the symbol of respect and integrity. So, they should be treated respectfully. I will also request from the from the government to take actions against all those who disrespect women. Moreover, to take steps against all the men who are involved in stealing the rights of the women and everyone who are not letting women work. A law should be passed in favour of women in which it must be cleared that women are the human in truest sense.

fadia asif
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