Technical Education And Revolution

(Amna javaid, lahore, p.u)

Beyond the agricultural and industrial revolutions of the past, a global technology revolution is currently changing the world. The revolution’s effects on human health may be the most startling as breakthroughs improve both the quality and length of human life. Biotechnology will also enable us to identify, understand, manipulate, improve, and control living organisms (including ourselves). Information technology is already revolutionizing our lives, especially in the developed world, and is a major enabler of other trends.

Technical Education is very important in the modern age.America, Britain, France, Russia and China are rich, prosperous and resourceful because of their progress in technical education. It produces engineers, Builders, doctors, and mechanics who are very useful in an industrial society. It is the only answer to the problems of our expanding economy. It produce workers. These workers make real and important contribution to the welfare of society. We are able to increase the material resources• of our country through Technical education. It promote the material prosperity and economic advancement. We can save a lot of foreign exchange, if we have our own technical experts. In short, Technical Education makes a country Rich, prosperous, and Resourceful. But it has certain limitations also. Too much of technical education changes a man into machine, A man’s specialized knowledge makes him unfit for other jobs. So we should have an element of libraleducation in Technical Education.
Nowadays Education is Lacking on the technical side.0ur schools and colleges produce men who are fit only to be clerks. Our young men run after office job. They dislike work in factories and hate to learn practical skills this is why unemployment is So widespread in the country. Poverty is due to the neglect of technical education. Our country is rich in raw material resources. We cannot reap the advantages only because we are not equipped with any technical knowledge. In this respect we must take two steps. First, more and more technical institutions should be established. Secondly, the idea of “Dignity of Labour” should be popularized. We must always keep in mind that progress is possible only through Technical Education. Many years ago we couldn’t imagine that we can get to know new information without going out of the house. Mothers examined new recipes from the book that they borrow in the libraries. Fathers bought newspapers to learn the updated information from business, economy and society. Students all evenings spent in the libraries to write the report, project or academic paper. Today information is easily accessed thanks to the internet. Meanwhile, online courses are accessible to the students who are unable to attend traditional educational buildings because of health or other complications. It is a convenient way to study. We all know how difficult to engage the children in learning. However they enjoy the process when the instructor uses white board or touch screen technology in order to make classes more interactive and interesting. In that way it’s easy to attract the kid’s attention. By the way, the involving technology in the educational process makes education more enjoyable both for the instructors and the learners.

We shouldn’t underestimate the possibilities of educational technology in our modern society. Nowadays virtual classes are preferred by people all over the world. This form of education is really enjoyed by children, and many students have recently graduated from virtual High Schools.

With development of such inventions like the internet, the popularity with educational technology is growing every day. Nowadays it is one of the most preferred methods of learning. Traditional lessons have been supplemented by virtual ones. Online classes include transferring files, chat rooms and even board of progress to follow the students’ success. Another benefit is that students can maintain a flexible schedule that is convenient for them (anytime, anywhere learning). It helps to combine distance education and work.Thus, technology brought great revolution all over the world.

Amna  javaid
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