Breaking the Technology Barrier: Using Technology In Education
(Waqas Ahmad, Lahore, Pakistan)
Technology and education have
always seemed to go together. In order to prepare students for the workplace or
college they need to be able to be exposed to it. Teachers in the classroom use
technology believing that the students are gaining valuable information and
retaining the concepts taught but in reality the students need to be involved in
the lesson and actively participating in activities that include technology.
Student engagement is critical to student motivation during the learning
process. The more students are motivated to learn, the more likely it is that
they will be successful in their efforts.
Uses of Technology:
There are numerous uses of technologies that are available to teachers to
include students into the classroom’s lesson.. To put the uses of technology
into an effective practice, teachers need to help students set achievable goals;
encourage students to assess themselves and their peers; help them to work
co-operatively in groups and ensure that they know how to exploit all the
available resources for learning. The following are how some technology is used
to help students learn.
Interactive Whiteboards:
There are two different types of whiteboards. The first is a virtual version of
a dry erase board. It allows students to see what the instructor or other
students write or draw using a special pen. The second functions similar to a
normal whiteboard but also contains a projector screen, an electronic copy board
or as a computer projector screen on which the computer image can be controlled
by touching or writing on the surface of the panel instead of using a mouse or
keyboard. They function by connecting a projector to the whiteboard panel with
the use of a computer and software. It is important to know the different
functions in order to determine which whiteboard is right for the educator. By
knowing the difference you can also learn the terminology and understand the
basic functions of each.
Advantages to the Students:
Learning sciences research tells us that students learn much better by doing
rather than by listening. This means that passive learning the traditional
lecture is being replaced in our classrooms by more active learning activities
that emphasize student problem solving, discussion, presentation and other
authentic learning-by-doing-activities. By including students into the lesson it
opens up a realm of possibilities because students can retain roughly only 10%
of what they write down.
Teacher Apprehension:
So why are teachers not using technology that engages and interacts more
frequently with students? There are many reasons why teachers feel apprehensive
or uncomfortable using an interactive whiteboard and PowerPoint. The first of
which could be the length of time from their college prep program until now.
Teachers often get exposed to and learn new technologies in their teacher prep
courses. Some might not have been prepared enough upon entering the workforce.
Although the availability of technology in American schools has increased
information released by The National Education Association indicates that less
than 35% of public school teachers feel they are "very well prepared" to use
this technology effectively.
The second reason is blockage from the school’s control or security system.
Teachers claim that the firewalls and filtering systems create blockage in their
attempts to educate and communicate with others with technology. The teachers
and other users can become frustrated when they do not understand why a certain
item like a website used for a scavenger hunt or a hyperlink in a PowerPoint are
not available.
The inconsistency from school to school is another reason. At one site there may
be access to all different types of technology while at another the absence is
very evident. The general public perception is that our schools are using
technology and managing our resources in that area well. In several surveys done
some schools do show nearly 100 percent use of technology while in others the
use of technology is nonexistent.