Fashion means craziness

(Jai mala kunbhomal, Karachi)

Fashion spread in the world, like a fire.we see all around us,Every person is fashion conscious it is rather a craze all over the world. Everyone weather boys or girl dresses in the latest fashion everyone look like a actor and actress some of them. Looked a flims and copy them .It is spread at every where in our talking style ,in our culture ,in our dressing in our relegions,in hotels,or restaurants,in drinking ,in smoking, reading,flims magazines,homes. Kitchens ,bathrooms and today's most popular fashion is cellphone and making a lot of friends. Everyone makes the effort to look like a flims star.The boys grow long hair while the girls get their hair bodded.someone apply fashion at their clothes to copy some other person like a girls who wearing a shortcut dresses and fit dresses.In this way we destroy our culture, character, religion nothing to else. The do not realize that the are wasting their precious time and energy in this effort in addition they the hard_ earned money of their parents. So everyone become crazy after fashion. They are wasting the pernicious time of life.

Jai mala kunbhomal
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